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It is Jewish tradition to put stones on one's grave.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

It is a sign of respect for the dead. It is a Jewish custom to place a small rock or pebble on a gravestone to show that you were there and that you had respect for the deceased.

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Q: Why are stones on Oskar Schindler's grave?
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How many stones are on Oskar Schindler's grave?

There are 66 stones on his grave because he died at age 66.

How often do they put the rocks on oskar schindlers grave?

When a Jewish person visits a grave, leaving a small stone on the marker is a sign of respect. Therefore, a stone is probably left by most visitors.

What was Schindlers first name?

If you are referring to the man who saved Jews, his first name was Oskar.

Who was oskar schindlers wife?

Emilie Schindler, her maiden name was Pelzl

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Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik, the name of Oskar Schindlers factory.

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Since I'm not Oskar Schindler, I couldn't tell you and guarantee my answer. However; the Nazis taking his Jews were probably one of his biggest fears

Where was Oskar Schindlers home town?

Schindler was born April 28, 1908 in Svitavy (German: Zwittau), Moravia, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in the Czech Republic.

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Its a grave site full of the things that you contol puppets with used as grave stones

Where are the grave stones in Petpet Park?

They are in the Graveyard, Founder's Graveyard.

What do you see in a cemetery?

Grave stones,grass,mud,trees.

How did stern help schindler?

Itzhak Stern made the list of Schindlerjuden. In English, those German words mean "Schindlers Jews"

What was oskar schindlers cause of death?

On October 9, 1974, Oskar Schindler died in the Saint Bernward Hospital in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany.Due to wanting to be burried in Jerusalem, "Where is children are", Schindler was burried in the Catholic Franciscans' cemetery on Mount Zion. He was on the only member of the Nazi party to be burried in this honor.An entrance sign says To Oskar Schindler's Grave.Stones placed on graves are a Jewish tradition. Although Schindler wasn't Jewish. On his grave are the Hebrew words, "Rightous Among the Nations". Below that, in German, it includes the words, "The Unforgettable Lifesaver of 1200 Persecuted Jews".