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The reason why flat footed people aren't allowed in the Army is because of the shoes that they have to wear and also because if shooting at a close range they can lose balance of the gunshot won't be effective.

Flat foot people don't usually get into the army because of not only the boots they have to wear, but the Army has to travel by foot a lot. There are already multiple foot problems in the Army and a flat footed person would have many more problems with their feet and possibly hold up their unit. Having flat feet has nothing to do with firing off a rifle.

The above is not true. the doctors at MEPS will tell you if your flat feet are disqualifying or not. If your flat feet are symptomatic (painful) then they will disqualify you, or if you have ever been prescribed custom orthotics by a doctor. If they are asymptomatic (not painful) then the doctor will tell you if you can join or not.

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They aren't allowed in the Navy.The reason is because they have people out on the battle field.Your best bet is trying to get into the air force because you have a higher chance of getting in the air,just make sure you don't have bad eye sight and you get enough sleep.

They aren't allowed in the Navy.The reason is because they have people out on the battle field.Your best bet is trying to get into the air force because you have a higher chance of getting in the air,just make sure you don't have bad eye sight and you get enough sleep.

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Why are flat footed people not allowed in the US Army?

Individuals with flat feet are not automatically disqualified from joining the US Army. However, severe flat feet that result in pain, limitations in mobility, and inability to wear standard military footwear may impact an individual's ability to meet the physical requirements of military service. Each case is evaluated individually during the medical examination for enlistment.

Can flatfooted people join the navy?

Maybe... *If the flatfooted condition is mild then it is possible that some branches of the United States Military will allow you to enlist. The US Army and US Marines are less likely to accept people with mild flatfoot then the US Navy or US Air Force. *All branches of the United States Military will not accept people that are severely flatfooted (except rare cases like a specialists in a certain field of study.) Having fallen arches or "flatfooted" is a medical condition and can cause problems with standing, walking and running for long periods. Because this medical condition can cause limitations, that is the reason the US Military does not want these people.

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