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Q: Whom did Tecumseh blame for American Indians no longer being a happy race?
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Why was Tecumseh famous?

He was important because he helped us defeat the British after trying to kill us because we where taking he land he and his Indians lived on. Tecumseh was on the British side and was known as a fierce enemy by the Americans.

How did the Indians contribute to the war of 1812?

The War Hawks intended on invading Canada and making it part of the U.S. To help defend Canada, the British were depending upon a confederacy of Indian tribes led by Shawnee chief, Tecumseh. But before the war actually started, Tecumseh's force was destroyed by William Henry Harrison, November, 1811. This defeat at the Battle of Tippecanoe, while Tecumseh was absent, doomed the Indian force from being any help to the British during the war. At the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson had the help of many Choctaw Indians to help him defeat the British.

What did brothers Tecumseh and the prophet want their Indian brothers to do?

To unite all native American tribes east of the Mississippi under a common religious belief in order to create a sort of independent Indian territory, which would have been so powerful to prevent them from being further deprived of their lands by the American westward expansion.

Which Battle Tecumseh was killed?

Tecumseh, also known as Tekamthi, was killed in the Battle of the Thames. The identity of the person who killed him is not known, and is still being debated.?

Which American states have the highest number of Naive American Indians?

Typically there are a large population of Native American Indians living within the United States, approximately 2.7 million at the large Census Bureau count. These are split over a variety of states with over one third being split between Arizona, California and Oklahoma.

Related questions

Why was Tecumseh famous?

He was important because he helped us defeat the British after trying to kill us because we where taking he land he and his Indians lived on. Tecumseh was on the British side and was known as a fierce enemy by the Americans.

Where did the American Indians get food in the region?

With the Indian food being famous all over, there are various Indian Joints. American Indians can go out and enjoy in any one of them.

Who is American cavalry officer who died in 1876 after being defeated by Sioux Indians?

George Armstrong Custer.

How did the Indians contribute to the war of 1812?

The War Hawks intended on invading Canada and making it part of the U.S. To help defend Canada, the British were depending upon a confederacy of Indian tribes led by Shawnee chief, Tecumseh. But before the war actually started, Tecumseh's force was destroyed by William Henry Harrison, November, 1811. This defeat at the Battle of Tippecanoe, while Tecumseh was absent, doomed the Indian force from being any help to the British during the war. At the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson had the help of many Choctaw Indians to help him defeat the British.

What did brothers Tecumseh and the prophet want their Indian brothers to do?

To unite all native American tribes east of the Mississippi under a common religious belief in order to create a sort of independent Indian territory, which would have been so powerful to prevent them from being further deprived of their lands by the American westward expansion.

Is American girl doll Samantha dead?

She is not dead. She is no longer being made according to the american girl magazine I got a while ago.

When did Lacrosse come the the US?

The date has not been pinpointed but Lacrosse was actually invented here in the US by the American Indians. This is a historical fact in which I am very proud of being American Indian.

In order to deal with the US native anerican leader Tecumseh called for?

Tecumseh called for: going back to his ancient - indian religion, instead of being forced to adapt to the whites cultures and religion.

Is the practice of using Indian logos and mascots for sports teams showing an insensitivity to American Indians?

Indian logos and mascots are not showing insensitivity to American Indians, some warrior type actions may be misinterpreted, but teams having Indian names are not being disrespectful.

What were the goals of the Tecumseh and Prophet?

To unite all native American tribes east of the Mississippi under a common religious belief in order to create a sort of independent Indian territory, which would have been so powerful to prevent them from being further deprived of their lands by the American westward expansion.

Which Battle Tecumseh was killed?

Tecumseh, also known as Tekamthi, was killed in the Battle of the Thames. The identity of the person who killed him is not known, and is still being debated.?

What happened while Geronimo was growing up?

At the age of six the Alamo fell. When he was a teenager the Mexican American war was going on. During his manhood the Civil War was being fought. As an elder the Spanish American war was being fought. All of his life, the American Indians had been at war.