A poor farmer wuld most likely be a patriot in the revolutionary war.
I would think Midway and Iwo Jima would come to mind, along with Bunker Hill. That is if you are using the word patriot to mean loyal. If you are talking about patriot as in the Revolutionary War then Bunker Hill and Trenton come to mind.
Benjamin's brother, William, is a royal governor.
By taking secret letters back and forth without getting caught
I'm not sure but I think it's because he was a patriot and Saved us from the British so he would most likely be a hero!!
Which event was most likely to have pleased the Loyalists
A rich merchant would likely be a loyalist in the Revolutionary War.
A rich merchant
No. It included the Battle of Yorktown, but most if the movie takes place before it. The Patriot is about a fictional character, Benjamin Martin, and his role in the Revolutionary War.
I would think Midway and Iwo Jima would come to mind, along with Bunker Hill. That is if you are using the word patriot to mean loyal. If you are talking about patriot as in the Revolutionary War then Bunker Hill and Trenton come to mind.
Benjamin's brother, William, is a royal governor.
Most African American descents, were most likely slaves. There may be one but none that I know of.
4:) fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people
4:) fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people
I'm guessing Christian, if you're talking about they Loyalists in the Revolutionary War in America in the 1700s. Most of the people in early America were Christian.
By taking secret letters back and forth without getting caught
If the Americans lost the war, I think the following events would be most likely to occur - the americans' land would eventually get purchased by Canada
I'm not sure but I think it's because he was a patriot and Saved us from the British so he would most likely be a hero!!