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The Muslim army under Khalid won the Battle of Damascus. Khalid gained an entry to the city at the east gate, and Thomas then negotiated a surrender with Ubaidah at the southwest gate. There was some disagreement between Khalid and Ubaidah as to whether the city had surrendered or was conquered.

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Q: Who won the battle of Damascus in 634 AD?
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What major battles did the Romans win?

The Romans won hundreds of battles in their 1,200 years of history. Important battles the Romans won included the Battle of Ilipa in 206 in southern Spain where the Romans defeated the Carthaginians and took over the Carthaginian Spanish territories , the Battle of Zama in 202BC where they defeated Hannibal, the battle of Pydna in 168 where they defeated the king of Macedon, the Battle of Vercellae in 101 BC where they defeated the Cimbri, a Germanic people who was invading the empire the Battle of Alesia in 52 BC during the conquest of Gaul, the storming of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Trajan's battle of Sarmisegusta in 106 AD against the Dacians , the Battle of Naissus in 268 or 269 BC where Claudius II defeated the Goths, the Battle of Fano in 271 AD where Aurelian defeated the Alemanni, the Battle of Satala in 298 where Galerius defeated the Persians, and the Battle of Pollentia in 402 where Stilicho defeated Alaric I king of the Visigoths. This is far from being a comprehensive list.

How Rome met other met other cultures on the battle field and its greatest victory?

Rome met other cultures on the battlefield through war. There is not a victory which is singled out as the greatest Roman victory. The Romans fought and won hundreds of battles over the centuries of their history. Amon the most important victories were: the Battle of Sentinum (295 BC), where Rome defeated and alliance against her made up of Samnites, Gauls, Umbrians and Etruscans; The Battle of the Aegates Islands (241 BC), which won them the First Punic War; the Battle of Ilipa (206 BC) and the Battle of Zama (202 BC) with which they won the Second Punic War; The Battle of Tigranocerta (69 BC) against the king of Armenia; The Siege of Alesia (52 BC) with which Caesar subdued the Gauls; the Siege of Jerusalem (70 AD) and the Siege of Masada (73-7 AD) in the First Roman-Jewish War; the Battle of Naissus (268 or 269 AD) against the Goths, and the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (451AD) agaisnt Attila of the Huns.

When did the battle of Uhud happen?

The Battle of Uhud happened in March 11th 625 AD.

How long did the battle of watling street last for?

It seems that the battle lasted for a month or 2. The battle occurred on AD 61 or 60.

What happened in the battle of uhud?

March 19 625 ad

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What was the date of the battle of watling street?

60 AD until 410 AD