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Alexander the great is the answer.

In the movie Die Hard (1984) the villain Hans Grueber quotes before executing Mr. Nakatomi for refusing to disclose the codes to the safe.

In reality, it was a quote from Washington Irving, the 19th Century American novelist who wrote in Salmagundi:

We are not in the situation of poor Alexander the Great, who wept, as well indeed he might, because there were no more worlds to conquer; for, to do justice to this queer, odd, rantipole city, and this whimsical country, there is matter enough in them to keep our risible muscles and our pens going until doomsday.

Alexander actually never stopped conquering before his untimely death.

John Calvin, in his interpretation of Psalm 146 in On The Book Of Psalms (1557) as translated by Rev. James Anderson (1849) writes:

Alexander of Macedon, who, upon hearing that there were other worlds, wept that he had not yet conquered one, although soon after the funeral urn sufficed him.

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Q: Who wept because he had no more worlds to conquer?
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Who said when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer?

The origin of this quote is somewhat disputed. The discrepancy appears to originate from a 1929 publication of the Reader's Digest, which describes the quote ambiguously as a lament on his father's victories, or that Alexander's empire was so large (and spanned most of the civilized world at the time). Some sites attribute this quote as Alexander's last words, but without documentation. A further possibility is that this is a misquotation from Plutarch's Tranquility of the Mind, quoted below."Such contentedness and change of view in regard to every kind of life does the infusion of reason bring about. When Alexander heard from Anaxarchus of the infinite number of worlds, he wept, and when his friends asked him what was the matter, he replied, 'Is it not a matter for tears that, when the number of worlds is infinite, I have not conquered one?'"

What is the meaning of wept bitter tears?

That they are sore and bitter

What line from Brutus's speech in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar most clearly show pathos?

As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; / as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it

How many people were at Lenin's funeral?

When he died thousands of people wept in the street. Over a million people went to visit his body, but if you're asking how many people were at the actual funeral it's an estimated million.

Why did Alexander the Great stop his conquest?

History books record that Alexander's Army which had HUGE cavalry came to a grinding halt when faced by gigantic Elephant based armies of Hindu Kings of Hindustan (Modern day India). In present context Alexander was stopped at the India's north-western most state Punjab's border. The horses being frightened of bigger animals (elephants) would not march forward, handicapping Alexander cavalry. Watch award winner Hollywood epic movie called "Alexander" to learn more. Another reason would be that his armies would refuse to go any further having just conquered his huge empire. Thus he could not add any more territory to his empire. It is even said that he wept on his deathbed because there was no more land to conquer.

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In which film is the quote when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer?

Die Hard (1984) the villain Hans Grueber quotes plutarch before executing Mr. Nakatomi for refusing to disclose the codes to the safe.Actually it was a quote from Washington Irving, the 19th Century American novelist who wrote in Salmagundi:We are not in the situation of poor Alexander the Great, who wept, as well indeed he might, because there were no more worlds to conquer; for, to do justice to this queer, odd, rantipole city, and this whimsical country, there is matter enough in them to keep our risible muscles and our pens going until doomsday.Alexander actually never stopped conquering before his untimely death. Washington Irving also invented the myth that Columbus proved or discovered the world was round. Actually the first globe manufactured in Europe was created before Columbus sailed and the planet's shape was common knowledge. Although there are groups of people who still insist it is flat.

Where does Jesus wept come from in the Bible?

Comes from two places in the book of Luke 19:41 he wept over the city of Jerusalem because they did not recognize who he was. the second time is in John 11:35 when he wept at Lazarus tombstone but not for Lazarus he wept because of the peoples lack of belief

Who said when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer?

The origin of this quote is somewhat disputed. The discrepancy appears to originate from a 1929 publication of the Reader's Digest, which describes the quote ambiguously as a lament on his father's victories, or that Alexander's empire was so large (and spanned most of the civilized world at the time). Some sites attribute this quote as Alexander's last words, but without documentation. A further possibility is that this is a misquotation from Plutarch's Tranquility of the Mind, quoted below."Such contentedness and change of view in regard to every kind of life does the infusion of reason bring about. When Alexander heard from Anaxarchus of the infinite number of worlds, he wept, and when his friends asked him what was the matter, he replied, 'Is it not a matter for tears that, when the number of worlds is infinite, I have not conquered one?'"

Would you give a sentence using phrase she wept buckets?

She wept buckets when she heard the news of her grandmother's passing.

Which is the best explanation in the passage for why Plato wept?

Plato wept in the passage because of the imperfections and injustices prevalent in the world, causing him to feel sorrow and disappointment. His tears were a reflection of his deep concern for the state of humanity and his desire for a more just and virtuous society.

What is the past tense and future tense of weep?

The past tense of weep is wept. The future tense of weep is will weep.

What does wept mean?

The word wept means to cry.

What is the easiest Bible verse to remember?

Jesus wept because that is the smallest verse in the bible

What is the simple past of weep?

wept. The past participle is also wept

What is the duration of When Nietzsche Wept?

The duration of When Nietzsche Wept is 1.75 hours.

Does Jesus wept is a fragment sentence?

No, it has a noun (Jesus) and verb (wept).

How do you write Jesus wept in aramaic?

Jesus wept = ישוע בכה