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Q: Who was the ancient greek with the lantern searching for an honest man?
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Who was the Ancient Greek man who lived in a bathtub He always carried a lantern and had a dog?

The athenian cynic philosopher Diogenes was the person who lived in a bathtub, had as company a dog and carried a lantern day and night seeking for the man in the darkness of life.

What language is the word lantern from?

The word lantern comes from greek word Lant(Glowing) and Ternus(Thingy)

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Diogenes of Sinope was an ancient Greek philosopher and one of the most famous proponents of the philosophy of Cynicism. He famously lived a simple and ascetic lifestyle, rejecting social norms and material possessions. Diogenes is best known for his search for an honest man with his lantern in broad daylight, illustrating his belief in the rarity of true virtue.

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Ancient Greek

What is Ancient Greek?

An Ancient Greek is a native or inhabitant of Ancient Greece, the Greek-speaking world of ancient times.

How do you translate jack-o'-lantern in Greek?

We dont have anything like that in Greece, and it doesnt have a Greek name.

Where is ancient Greek from?

erm... Ancient Greek is from Ancient Greece :P

How do you spell ancient greek with the correct capitilization?

Ancient Greek

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Meaning of the bee in ancient greek

What were ancient Greek pitchfork used for?

Pitching ancient Greek hay.

Did ancient Greek made buckets?

Ancient greek make many buckets, ancient greek like Larry Bird. Ancient greek make so many bucket, now in hall of fame.

What language do the Spartans speak?

The ancient Spartans spoke Dorian Greek, a dialect of ancient Greek language. Modern Spartans, like most other modern Greeks, speak modern Greek with the usual regional variations. ..