William French Smith (of California) - 1981 to 1985
Edwin Meese III - 1985 to 1988
Richard Thornburgh - 1988 - 1991
In order:
George H.W. Bush, who served as president from 1989-1993 and was vice president under Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989.
Ronald Reagan was hit by one bullet. On March 30, 1981, John Hinckley Jr. in an assassination attempt, missed the president with all six shots. Hinckley did shoot James Brady, Thomas Delahanty and Timothy McCarthy. The sixth and final shot managed to ricochet off the armored side of the limousine hitting the president under the left arm. The bullet ended up lodging in his lung, stopping close to an inch from his heart.
Walter Mondale was the Vice President under President Jimmy Carter from 1977-1981, George Bush was Vice President under President Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989, and Dan Quayle was Vice President under President George Bush from 1989-1993.
Reagan poured alot of money into the US military; under Reagan, the standard US Servicemen's paycheck seemed to have tripled; as soon as he took office.President Reagan did not end the Cold War. The Soviet Union collapsed under a myriad of social, political and economic factors.
they were cut back
Charles Everett Koop
1.05 per gallon
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan became governor. This was under the course of acts.
It is believed the George H.W. Bush won the election to continue the policies of Ronald Reagan. His popularity was solidified by his Vice Presidency under Reagan.
Under the Bill Clinton administration outsourcing exploded all through the 90's, it was Ronald Reagan who attempted to reign in this trend.
George H.W. Bush, under President Ronald Reagan.
That's correct.
No- Reagan's VP was George H. W. Bush. Ford served under Nixon.
Ronald Reagan. He was shot by a homeless man trying to impress an actress that was there. He thought she was pretty and thought she would date him if he looked powerful. Instead, he went to imprisonment. I found this out at the Ronald Reagan Library in California.
According to the Internet Movie Database, shortly after he divorced Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan briefly dated Doris Day while both were under contract to Warner Brothers.