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Gebhard von Blucher with the aid of the Duke of Wellington.

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Field Marshal Gebhard von Blucher.

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Q: Who was the Prussian General at Waterloo?
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Waterloo was where Napoloen was finally defeated by British and Prussian armies?


Where was Napoleonic finally defeated by british and prussian forces?

Waterloo. (Belgium).

Village where Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington?

At Waterloo in present day Belgium, with some major help from Field Marshall von Blucher and the Prussian Army.

What battle did the duke of wellington defeat napoleon?

In the Battle of Waterloo near Brussels. Belgium on 18 June 1815.

What battle where Napoleon was finally defeated?

The Seventh Coalition with the UK and Prussian troops getting the most credit.

How did Britain win the battle of Waterloo in 1815?

The Allied army won the Battle of Waterloo. It was composed of British, Belgian, Dutch, German and Prussian soldiers. Only about 25,000 were British.

What was Napoleon Bonaparte defeated?

Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated at 'The Battle of Waterloo' by combined British and Prussian forces. It was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo, in present-day Belgium.

Did Prussian Field Marshall August Neidhardt von Gneisenau receive the Pour le Merite?

Yes, for his service at Ligny and Waterloo.

How did wellington win at Waterloo?

Remain close enough to the Prussian Army to be reinforced and pin Napoleon's Army to the Battlefield for a decisive engagement.

Who did Napoleon defeat in his last battle?

In his final battle, Napoleon was fighting the British General Wellington at Waterloo in Belgium. Napoleon's army had almost overrun Wellington's army when suddenly General Blucher arrived with the Prussian Army and smashed Napoleon's right flank. The French Army broke into a wild panic with the solders running away as fast as they could.The Seventh Coalition.

Why did the battle of Waterloo take place in a particular place?

Napoleon wished to attack the Allied armies, the nearest of which, the Prussian Army under Blucher and the Allied Army under Wellington, were situated near what is now the Franco-Belgian border. The village of Waterloo was a few miles north of the Prussian position and to where the allies were eventually forced to come together.