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That was James I of England. Charles I came after him. It was in this time that the Mayflower pact was signed.

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James I was the King of England from 1603 to 1625.

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James I was the King of England in 1622.

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Q: Who was the Monarch of England in 1620?
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Who or what is a monarch of England?

A monarch of England is a king or queen of England.

When did the voyage of the mayflower take place?

The ship left England in September of 1620 and landed in America in November 1620.

Was King James the king of England in 1620?

There was no King of England in 1620 but there was a King of Great Britain. Namely James VI and I (same person).

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What year did the Pilgrims leave England?

The Pilgrims left England in 1608 and went to Holland. They considered the Dutch morally bankrupt and left Holland on September 6, 1620 on a ship called the Speedwell. The Speedwell sailed to England to join up with the Mayflower. However, the Speedwell began to leak so badly that it returned to England and its 102 passengers continued on aboard the Mayflower.

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1620 AD when the Church of England took over and there was no more Roman Catholic Church.

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They landed in 1620.

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The Pilgrims left Plymouth, England, for America on the Mayflower on September 16, 1620.

What was the second monarch in England remembered for?

England's new monarch is elizibeth she is smart well old now

What was the role of the monarch?

The role of a Tudor monarch was to preside over the government of England and to rule the kingdom. The monarch was expected to provide an heir to the throne of England.

Where was the Mayflower located during the 1620?

The Mayflower spent 1620 at its mooring in Plimouth, England, on the Atlantic and in harbor in what is now Massachusetts.

Was Isabella the first female monarch of england?

No. There has never been an English monarch named Isabella. Although there was a Queen Isabella, she was just the wife of the monarch. The first female monarch of England was Mary I.