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Atahupla was the Inca emperor that Pizarro captured.

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Q: Who was the Inca emperor that Pizarro captured?
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What caused the downfall of Inca and Aztec?

Francisco Pizarro captured the In can emperor Atahualpa and killed them

What year did Pizarro kill Atahualpa?

Francisco Pizarro captured and executed Inca emperor Atahualpa in 1533 during the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire in South America.

What did Pizarro do to the Inca Empire's king?

He captured him.

Which Inca ruler was captured by Pizarro?


What does atanualpa mean?

Atahualpa was the last Inca emperor of the Inca Empire in Peru before the Spanish conquest. He was captured by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and executed in 1533.

What was the purpose Francisco Pizarro's journey?

Francisco Pizarro's journey to South America was to explore and conquer the Inca Empire in search of wealth and power for Spain. He and his men were motivated by rumors of the Inca's vast riches in gold and silver. Pizarro successfully captured the Inca emperor Atahualpa and eventually claimed control over the Inca Empire.

Why is pachacuti and FRANCISCO Pizarro linked together?

Pachacuti was the ninth ruler of the Inca Empire, and Francisco Pizarro was the Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Inca Empire. Pizarro captured and killed the Inca Emperor Atahualpa, a descendant of Pachacuti, marking the downfall of the Inca civilization. Their connection lies in the clash of their civilizations and the eventual Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire.

Which group of people did francisco pizzaro conquer?

Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in the early 16th century. Leading a small band of Spanish conquistadors, Pizarro captured the Inca Emperor Atahualpa and ultimately brought about the downfall of the Inca civilization.

Who conquer the Incan empire?

The Incan Empire was conquered by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in 1533. Pizarro and his army defeated the Inca emperor Atahualpa and captured him, marking the end of the Incan Empire.

Inca capital captured by Pizarro in 1533?


How did Francisco Pizarro get a room full of gold and siver?

Francisco Pizarro obtained a large amount of gold and silver from the Inca Empire through conquest and ransom during the Spanish conquest of Peru. Pizarro captured the Inca Emperor Atahualpa and demanded a room filled with treasure as ransom, which the Inca delivered to secure his release.

How did Pizzaro conquer the Inca?

Francisco Pizarro, with Spanish forces, used superior weaponry, military tactics, and alliances with indigenous groups to defeat the Inca Empire in the 16th century. Pizarro captured the Incan emperor Atahualpa, looted Incan treasures, and took advantage of internal Incan divisions to dismantle their empire.