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William Cavendish, The Duke of Devonshire was prime minister of the United Kingdom from Novembre 1756 until June 25th 1757.

Thomas Pelham-Holles, The Duke of Newcastle was prime minister of the United Kingdom (for the second time) from July 2nd 1757 until May 1762

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At the beginning of the year it was Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle. He was a Whig, and the elder brother of his predecessor Henry Pelham- he took over when his brother died in office on 6th March 1754 at the age of 60.

Pelham-Holles had led Britain into the French and Indian War that year, which led on to the Seven Year's War after the fall of Minorca. Britain's poor performance in the war led to Pelham Holles being replaced by William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Devonshire on 16th November '56. Cavendish was only 36 when he took office, and remained in power for only 7 months until 25th June 1757; he was dismissed from office due to public outrage at the execution of Royal Navy Admiral John Byng, whom he had shot for failing to maintain british control of Minorca in the French & Indian War, an outrageous act, since Byng had done his best using a dilapidated force of outdated warships that were in bad need of repair. He had only been doing his duty, and his execution was a spiteful act of revenge.

Pelham-Holles died in 1768 at the age of 75; Cavendish died four years earlier, at the age of just 44.

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Q: Who was the British prime minister in 1757?
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