The US president in 1867 was Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson. He was elected following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was assassinated five days following General Robert E. Lee's surrender in the US Civil War.
First of all, it's governor not president of Alaska. Alaska wasn't accepted into the US until January 3, 1959
In 1867, the president's refusal to cooperate with Congress's plans for ___ leads Congress to impeach him. At the end of his eleven-day trial, he is found not guilty.
Andrew Johnson was president in 1867, when the USA purchased Alaska. There is a link below.
From Russia in 1867.
Andrew Johnson, who served from 1865 to 1869, was in the White House when Nebraska was admitted to the Union on March 1, 1867.
The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was introduced by President Andrew Johnson.
Benito Juarez
Benito Juarez
President Andrew Johnson approved the Howard University charter in 1867.
In 1867.
In 1867, President Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. President assasinated.
He served five terms as president of Mexico: 1858-1861 as interim, 1861-1865, 1865-1867, 1867-1871 and 1871-1872.
He served between 1867 and 1876.
Yes. He served five terms as president of Mexico: 1858-1861 as interim, 1861-1865, 1865-1867, 1867-1871 and 1871-1872.
He served five terms as president of Mexico: 1858-1861 as interim, 1861-1865, 1865-1867, 1867-1871 and 1871-1872.
No. He was the 26th president of Mexico, serving five terms in total: 1858-1861 as interim, 1861-1865, 1865-1867, 1867-1871 and 1871-1872.
none Ulysses S. Grant wasn't president then he was president 1869-1877 Harrison was president in 1867 after Lincoln was assassinated