The honors go to Ronald Regan, who was also the oldest President elected, at the age of 69. Regan, who was born February 6, 1911, served two terms in office from 1981-1989. He was less than one month shy of his 78th birthday when succeeded by George H. W. Bush.
Most people believe Jimmy Carter is the oldest surviving U.S. President at 86 years (in 2010), but George H. W. Bush is actually older by 111 days.
Washington was older than Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, the others who can be considered founding fathers, but Adams was older when he took office than Washington had been.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest president ever elected.
the vice president duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the vice president duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
He was the 44th US President: Elected to office Tuesday, November 8th, 1960, Sworn into office at 12:51 pm Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, January 20th, 1961, Assassinated in office at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time, on Friday, November 22nd, 1963. He served in office as our 44th president for 1036 days.
Harry Truman, who has been the all-time 7th oldest former U.S. President since May 20, 2013 and the all-time 6th oldest former U.S. Vice President since January 30, 2013, died on December 26, 1972 at the age of 88 years and 232 days.
Ronald Reagan was the one . He was the oldest serving President at that time.
The oldest president to be elected into the presidential office was Ronald Reagan. He was sixty-nine years old at the time.
The oldest former U.S. President at the time of his death was Gerald Ford, who died on 26 Dec 2006 at the age of 93 years and 5 months. President Ford's life was 45 days longer than Ronald Reagan's.The oldest U.S. President at the time he left office was Ronald Reagan, who was 77 years and 11 months old when he left office on 20 Jan 1989.The oldest U.S. President at the time he took office was Donald Trump, who was 70 years and 7 months old when he took office on 20 Jan 2017.The oldest living former U.S. President is George H. W. Bush, who turned 92 on 12 Jun 2016.
No. Since George H.W. Bush served only one term, he was the sixth oldest upon leaving office. At the time George H.W. took office, he was the fourth oldest President. Now that Donald Trump is President, George H.W. slipped to fifth oldest.
Ronald Reagan was the oldest president so far. He was 69 when he was elected and inaugurated the first time. He turned 70 shortly after he took office.
As of 2014, the oldest president of the United States was Ronald Reagan. He was 69 years old at the time he took office.
After Trump, the next-oldest was Ronald Reagan, who took office just a few weeks before his 70th birthday.
The second youngest elected president was Theodore Roosevelt. He was 42 years old (the youngest president) when he assumed office after the death of William McKinley. However, when he was elected (voted in by the citizens) he was 45 years old. JFK was the youngest elected president, he was 43 years old.
Washington was older than Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, the others who can be considered founding fathers, but Adams was older when he took office than Washington had been.
He was the first to die in office. He died one month after taking office from pneumonia.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest president ever elected.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest ever president.