King James IV of Scotland.
Ponce de León.In 1513 he sailed northward to what is now Florida.
He was his grandfather.
La Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon. He discovered it late March of 1513 and claimed it for Spain.
Perhaps because it was a Spanish Colony bebore the Adams-Onis Treaty.
King Ferdinand was the effective King of Spain in 1513. He was the de jure King of the Kingdom of Aragón and he was the de jure Regent for Queen Joanna of Castile who was deemed mentally ill. In 1516, the Kingdom of Spain passed to Charles V of the Hapsburgs.
There is some confusion of the kingship of Spain in 1513. It was actually under the rule of Joanna of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon.
Spain 1513
Juan ponce de leon
King James IV of Scotland.
balboa sailed for spain in 1513
In 1513 be became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean, and he claimed it and all of its shores for Spain.
In 1513, Ponce de Leon discovered explored Florida, which he claimed for Spain. It is believed that he landed near St. Augustine in March of 1513.
Spain's king is Juan Carlos I.