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the Russian empire is bigger than the sovient union

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Luke Andeo Perez

Lvl 2
2y ago

S: Soviet Union

R: Russian Empire

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Q: Who was bigger the Russian empire or the Soviet Union?
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Which was bigger the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union during ww1?

the Russian empire

What was the Russian Empire renamed in 1920?

in the 1920s the Russian empire was renamed the U.S.S.R

What is the chronological order of these empires starting with the earliest Mongol Russian Soviet Roman?

Roman Empire, Mongol Empire, Russian Empire, Soviet Union.

When was Russia declared as the Soviet Union?

The Russian Empire became the USSR in 1922.

How was the Soviet Union similar to the old Russian Empire?

They both ened in cahos

What the 3 different governments that have ruled in russia in the 20th century?

The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation

How was the end of the Soviet Union similar to the end of Russian Empire?

they both ended in chaos

Was Ukraine in the Russia?

Ukraine was in Russian Empire and in Soviet Union WITH Russia, but never IN Russia.

After the Russian civil war what was the countrys affical name changed to?

The Russian Empire was renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the USSR for short. It was also commonly referred to as the Soviet Union in the West.

What nationality is the surname kulak?

Ukrainian or Russian, the term was applied as a category of affluent peasants in the later Russian Empire, Soviet Russia, and the early Soviet Union.

What five regions that were part of the Russian Empire were not part of the Soviet Union?

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland

What was the name of russia after the revolution?

The Russian Empire changed its name to the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic (RSFSR) in July 1918. It did not simply change its name to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR came about in December 1922, when the RSFSR joined with Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.