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the following individuals was a writer during the Protestant Reformation who recognized that marital sex was acceptable for reasons besides procreation

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Q: Who was a writer during the Protestant Reformation who recognized that marital sex was acceptable for reasons besides procreation?
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Who was the Father of the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther, John Calvin, and several others are recognized as the founder of the Protestant reformation. But it's mainly Martin Luther.

How did the Catholic Church regain power during the Reformation?

The Catholic Church began a Counter-Reformation, spearheaded by the members of the Society of Jesus, called Jesuits. Beginning with the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation was comprised of several elements: ecclesiastical or structural reconfiguration, spiritual movements, creation of new religious orders, and increasing political dimensions. The Catholic Church recognized and acknowledged the concerns raised by Martin Luther, and by addressing them, created a stronger, more vibrant church that has resisted criticism and carried on for centuries.

Is northern Ireland a democratic country?

No. It's sectarian, 96% Protestant police-force terrorise Catholics and fix votes. By U.N. and E.U. charters and laws, it is illegally occupied by Britian, but for some reason still recognized.

What was the religious reform movement that began in the 16th Century.?

Catholic Answer.There were a couple of them, the Catholic reform known to the protestant and secular world as the Counter-reformation; and the protestant revolt, known to the protestant and secular world as the protestant reformation.from the Catholic Encyclopedia article on Pope Leo XThe most important occurrence of Leo's pontificate and that of gravest consequence to the Church was the Reformation, which began in 1517. We cannot enter into a minute account of this movement, the remote cause of which lay in the religious, political, and social conditions of Germany. It is certain, however, that the seeds of discontent amid which Luther threw his firebrand had been germinating for centuries. The immediate cause was bound up with the odious greed for money displayed by the Roman Curia, and shows how far short all efforts at reform had hitherto fallen. Albert of Brandenburg, already Archbishop of Magdeburg, received in addition the Archbishopric of Mainz and the Bishopric of Hallerstadt, but in return was obliged to collect 10,000 ducats, which he was taxed over and above the usual confirmation fees. To indemnify him, and to make it possible to discharge these obligations Rome permitted him to have preached in his territory the plenary indulgence promised all those who contributed to the new St. Peter's; he was allowed to keep one half the returns, a transaction which brought dishonour on all concerned in it. Added to this, abuses occurred during the preaching of the Indulgence. The money contributions, a mere accessory, were frequently the chief object, and the "Indulgences for the Dead" became a vehicle of inadmissible teachings. That Leo X, in the most serious of all the crises which threatened the Church, should fail to prove the proper guide for her, is clear enough from what has been related above. He recognized neither the gravity of the situation nor the underlying causes of the revolt. Vigorous measures of reform might have proved an efficacious antidote, but the pope was deeply entangled in political affairs and allowed the imperial election to overshadow the revolt of Luther; moreover, he gave himself up unrestrainedly to his pleasures and failed to grasp fully the duties of his high office. .from the Catholic Encyclopedia The term Counter-Reformation denotes the period of Catholic revival from the pontificate of Pope Pius IV in 1560 to the close of the Thirty Years' War, 1648. The name, though long in use among Protestant historians, has only recently been introduced into Catholic handbooks. The consequence is that it already has a meaning and an application, for which a word with a different nuance should perhaps have been chosen. For in the first place the name suggests that the Catholic movement came after the Protestant; whereas in truth the reform originally began in the Catholic Church, and Luther was a Catholic Reformer before he became a Protestant. By becoming a Protestant Reformer, he did indeed hinder the progress of the Catholic reformation, but he did not stop it.from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957The Counter-Reformation is the name given to the Catholic movement of reform and activity which lasted for about one hundred years from the beginning of the Council of Trent (q.v., 1545), and was the belated answer to the threatening confusion and increasing attacks of the previous years. It was the work principally of the Popes St. Pius V and Gregory XIII and the Council itself in the sphere of authority, of SS. Philip Neri and Charles Borromeo in the reform of the clergy and of life, of St. Ignatius and the Jesuits in apostolic activity of St. Francis Xavier in foreign missions, and of St. Teresa in the purely contemplative life which lies behind them all. But these were not the only names nor was it a movement of a few only; the whole Church emerged from the 15th century purified and revivified. On the other hand, it was a reformation rather than a restoration; the unity of western Christendom was destroyed; the Church militant (those still on earth) led by the Company of Jesus adopted offence as the best means of defence and, though she gained as much as she lost in some sense, the Church did not recover the exercise of her former spiritual supremacy in actuality.from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980A period of Catholic revival from 1522 to about 1648, better know as the Catholic Reform. It was an effort to stem the tide of Protestantism by genuine reform within the Catholic Church. There were political movements pressured by civil rules, and ecclesiastical movements carried out by churchmen in an attempt to restore genuine Catholic life by establishing new religious orders such as the Society of Jesus and restoring old orders to their original observances, such as the Carmelites under St. Teresa of Avila (1515-98). The main factors responsible for the Counter Reformation, however, were the papacy and the council of Trent (1545-63). Among church leaders St. Charles Borromeo (1538-84), Archbishop of Milan, enforced the reforms decreed by the council, and St. Francis de Sales of Geneva (1567-1622) spent his best energies in restoring genuine Catholic doctrine and piety. Among civil rulers sponsoring the needed reform were Philip II of Spain (1527-98) and Mary Tudor (1516-58), his wife, in England. Unfortunately this aspect of the reformation led to embitterment between England and Scotland, England and Spain, Poland and Sweden, and to almost two centuries of religious wars. As a result of the Counter Reformation, the Catholic Church became stronger in her institutional structure, more dedicated to the work of evangelization, and more influential in world affairs.

What native American tribes are recognized by the government?

There are currently 565 recognized tribes by the Federal Government.

Related questions

Who was the Father of the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther, John Calvin, and several others are recognized as the founder of the Protestant reformation. But it's mainly Martin Luther.

What is a protestant priests holy book called?

One of the tenants of the protestant reformation was "sola Scriptura" which means according to scripture alone. The bible is the one and only book recognized as holy by protestants.

Is there a Saint Calvin?

There is no Saint Calvin recognized by the Catholic Church. Calvin is primarily known as John Calvin, a key figure in the Protestant Reformation.

When was lutheranism recognized as an independent religion?

Lutheranism was recognized as an independent religion in the early 16th century when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church. This event is often considered to have taken place in 1521 when Luther was excommunicated by the Pope and officially started the Protestant Reformation.

Blue nose protestant?

The term "blue nose protestant" does not have a clear definition or widely recognized meaning. However, "blue nose" historically referred to someone who was perceived as overly strict or puritanical in their religious beliefs or practices. "Protestant" refers to a religious group that originated during the Protestant Reformation and includes various Christian denominations. Combining these terms, it could possibly imply someone who is very strict or conservative in their Protestant beliefs and practices.

What does ofc stands for?

In law enforcement: It is the standard, and recognized, acceptable abbreviation for the title "Officer."

Why reformation end?

The Protestant Reformation came to an end after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which recognized the sovereign authority of states and their right to determine their own religion. This led to a gradual decline in religious wars and increased religious tolerance in Europe, marking the end of the era of intense religious conflict. Additionally, the Catholic Church implemented reforms through the Council of Trent to address some of the criticisms raised by the reformers, resulting in a stabilizing of religious divisions.

What are the conflicts in A Retrieved Reformation?

Personally I hin that it's not getting recognized giving up bankrobbing and getting the girl out of the safe

Why did Jimmy look at Annabel so strangely in A retrieved reformation?

Jimmy looked at Annabel strangely because he recognized her as the woman he loved before he went to prison. The moment sparked a change in him, inspiring a reformation and leading him to make better choices in his life.

Is a marriage in Canada recognized in the US?

Yes, legal marriage in Canada is recognized in the United States. Before gay marriage was acceptable in the US, many people went to Canada to get married.

Founder of the protestant church?

The Protestant Church is not organized in the same way as the Catholic Church and indeed is not technically organized at all. The founders, at least in doctrine, are generally recognized as either Martin Luther or John Calvin (or both).

What gospels of the bible are not recognize by the protestant?

There are only four canonical (means standard, or officially recognized as a rule of faith) gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and these 4 appear in both Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles. There are several non-canonical Gospels, such as the Gospel of Thomas, that have attracted attention lately for a variety of reasons, but these gospels have never been officially recognized or included in the Bible of either Roman Catholic or Protestant church.