Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom before David Cameron. He served as Prime Minister from June 2007 until he resigned in May 2010.
David Cameron
The current Prime Minister of the UK is David Cameron.
David Cameron is prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland. There has never been a prime minister of England - England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom.
David Cameron became Prime Minister this year (2010)
David Cameron is the current UK Prime Minister and Queen Elizabeth II is Head of State.
Gordon Brown was the prime minister of united kingdom before David Cameron.
In the United Kingdom, "Prime Minister" is not an official title. Therefore the current Prime Minister, David Cameron, is "Mr David Cameron" and not "Prime Minister David Cameron."
David Cameron is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
David Cameron is the Prime Minister of The UK
david Cameron
Gordon Brown
No. David Cameron's parents were married in 1962, and David Cameron was born in 1966.
Gordon Brown was the British Prime Minister before David Cameron.
David Cameron is the leader of the Consevatives and is now Prime Minister.
The current Prime Minister is David Cameron.
David Cameron