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The Philistines.

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Q: Who was Goliath with that went to make war with israel?
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What did Johnson do during the six day war?

He did nothing. He had promised to support Israel in the Six-Day War, but when Israel went to war, he then said that Israel was on its own.

Four countries that went to war with israel?

Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan.

What are the ratings and certificates for War of the Worlds Goliath - 2012?

War of the Worlds Goliath - 2012 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13

What is the climax in David and goliath?

The Philistines collected for war against Israel at Socoh and then encamped in Ephes-dammim. As the battle lines of the Philistines and Saul's army faced each other across the valley, the gigantic warrior Goliath emerged from the Philistine camp and loudly challenged Israel to supply a man to fight him in single combat, the outcome to determine which army should become the servant of the other. Morning and evening, for 40 days, the army of Israel, in great fear, was subjected to these taunts. No Israelite soldier had the courage to accept the challenge. (1Sam. 17:1-11, 16) The young shepherd David, with God's spirit upon him, met Goliath's challenge.

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.

Did Goliath ever fight?

Yes. Goliath was referred to as a 'man of war from his youth.' (1 Samuel 17:33).

How and where did Jewish people resettle after the war?

They went back home for the first time in two thousand years, to Israel.

After what war was the State of Israel established?

Israel was declared a state immediately after the Civil War in Mandatory Palestine of 1947-1948. However, in the wider world, Israel's establishment required the events of World War II and the Holocaust to make clear the need for Israel and allow for its establishment with UNGA Resolution 181 (II).

Who did Egypt have a war with?

Egypt went to war with Israel over Sinai but eventually beat them eventually, and also called a place in egypt 6th of october. (I'm egyptian)

Why did southerners see their role in the civil war as similar to that of the coloneists in the revolutionary war?

David and Goliath complex.

Was the State of Israel established after World War 1 or World War 2?

The ancient state of Israel was established long before any historic eventthat involved the USA. The modern State of Israel was established afterWorld War I and also after World War II.

Why did king david kill giant Goliath?

It's worth noting that David wasn't king when he killed Goliath. This is detailed in full in 1 Samuel chapter 17, but basically, the Israelites were constantly at war with the Philistines, and at one point, they camped their armies across from each other. The 9-foot champion of the Philistines was Goliath, and he challenged Israel to send out one man to fight him. All of the soldiers were too cowardly to accept this challenge. David was still living at home in Bethlehem at the time, but his three oldest brothers were fighting in the war. So David was sent back and forth between tending to the flocks of sheep at home and going to Saul's army. One day while he was bringing his brothers supplies from home, he arrived as Goliath was shouting his daily challenge that no one had yet accepted. He was outraged that none of the soldiers would fight Goliath, so he volunteered. And the rest, as they say, is history. He went out with five smooth stones and a sling because he was not comfortable in Saul's armor.