Banneker's grandfather was named Banna ka. Scholars believe that he was of a royal family, likely from Senegambia or Mali.
Banneker's father was an ex-slave named Robert, who took the Banna ka name which morphed into what we now know as Banneker.
Banneker's grandmother was a white indentured servant name Molly Welsh from England. She had purchased Banna ka, fell in love with him, and married. This union produced a child named Mary Welsh. Mary Welsh married Robert, and this union produced the mathematical/astronomic genius Benjamin Banneker.
In addition to his mathematical gifts, Banneker is noted for publishing almanacs between 1792 and 1797. He assisted in a small way to the survey of the territory that would become Washington, D.C.
He is noted to have written to then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson showing Jefferson his almanac as "proof" that blacks were intellectually equal to whites. Jefferson was more or less aloof but sent a copy of Banneker's almanac to the head of the Parisian scientific community.
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Banneker's grandparents were: Molly Welsh (sometimes spelled Walsh) and an African named Banna ka. Welsh was an indentured servant from England sent to the colonies (Maryland) to work off her debt. She had been accused of stealing a pail of milk in the English countryside. After her indenture (seven years), Molly was given a plot of land, some tools, food, and clothing.
She needed help to assist in cultivating the land and went to Annapolis to purchase a slave. She saw a tall African, likely from Senegambia or Mali, named Banna ka. She fell in love and married him. The spelling of his name was Anglisized to variations of Bannakay and Banneker. The latter name stuck in most history books.
This marriage produced a daughter named Mary Welsh (also called Molly). This daughter grew up and married a black ex-slave named Robert. He took the "Banneker" name. Their first child (of four) was Benjamin Banneker in 1731. Robert willed the land to Benjamin Banneker which was more than 100 acres and included tobacco and other crops on the property that became known as Stout in what is now Ellicott City, Maryland.
Much of Banneker's life is filled with myth and legend. Despite his very limited formal education, he managed to learn spherical geometry and could do large calculations in his head. He created mathematical puzzles and published almanacs from 1792 to 1797.
He played a relatively minor role in developing the territory that would become Washington, D.C. He was an expert surveyor. He did not complete the plans of Frenchman Pierre Charles L'Enfant by memory.
He was not assigned a post by either Washington or Jefferson on the "Federal City" project. He did write a letter to Jefferson who was then Secretary of State stating that blacks were intellectually equal to whites. His "proof" was a copy of his first almanac published in 1792. It is known as an Ephemeris.
Banneker needs no embellishment of accomplishments. His wood striking clock, mathematical abilities, study of bees, innovations in agriculture, writing, understanding of astronomy, and puzzles indicate a rare genius. He enjoyed (too much by his own admission) wine. He died in 1806.
Gregory S. Kearse
The Masonic Mystique: Unveiling the Secret Life of Benjamin Banneker
Benjamin Franklin had two sets of grandparents. His paternal grandparents were Thomas Franklin and Jane White. His maternal grandparents were Peter Folger and Mary Morill.
Porkchops was it!
Ben Franklins wife was Deborah Read Rogers.
Because he was a loyalist
he got it choped off
Any atomic theory from B. Franklin.
benjiman franklins full name is Benjamin josiah Franklin.
He was Christian.
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Albiah Folger
Porkchops was it!