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Adolf Hitlers real barber was never listed, and revealed. However, Woody Allen made a fictiti..

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13y ago

My deceased wife always claimed her grandfather (last name Rossner) was Hitler's barber when he was in the Bavarian Berchtesgaden area. I would love to hear if anyone knows more.

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If a barber cuts everyones hair except people who cut their own hair does the barber cut his own hair?


What do barber sugeons do?

There is no such thing as a barber surgeon. Barbers cut hair.

Why do you have barber shops?

We have barber shop so that we have a place to cut our hair

What is the difference between a hair salon and a barber?

The difference between a hair salon and a barber is that normally a barber will cut Men's hair and give them shaves. A hair salon usually is for woman who will get their hair washed, cut, blown, permed, styled or colored. However, many men do get their hair cut at hair salons, it is not only for women.

Where you get hair cut for man?

Barber shop or any hair salon.

What do you have to do to become a barber?

learn how to cut and shave hair.

How you call people who cut hair?

a barber or a hairdresser

What is the difference between a barber and a hair stylist?

Barber's are cheaper the majority of the time, but they pretty much only cut men's hair.

How do you use barber in a sentence?

The barber cut Uncle Charley's hair when the presentation was over.

What are people called who cut hair?

Women -- Hair Stylist Beautician Men -- Barber

If you have a barber shop but no license what can you do?

You should rent out chairs to other barber's. If you know how to cut hair you should cut it. I think there is no longer a need for the lisence to Barber. If you have a cosmetology or hairdressing should be fine. Just cut mens hair and dont do chemicals unless your trained.

My mom has been cutting my hair for the last 14 years but I want to go to a barber shop now and I don't know how to tell the barber how I want my hair to be cut I'm a boy by the way?

Is there one other boy you can talk to? If there is not, it is time you tried to make a friend. Ask your friend how he describes he wants he hair cut. Is there someone who has his hair cut they way you want yours cut? Tell him, "I like the way your hair cut looks. How do you tell the barber you want your hair cut?" A compliment can get you a long way in life.