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Magellan's voyage was financed and supplied by the Spanish king Charles I (who later became Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire). The sponsorship included five ships, pay for the crews and supplies for two years voyage.

The reason for the voyage was to discover a new route to the Spice Islands (modern Indonesia and Malaysia) that did not infringe on Portuguese territory.

Magellan was killed in battle at Mactan (near Cebu Island, Philippines) on 27 April 1521. He went into this battle on behalf of Rajah Humabon, a local Cebuano leader whom Magellan had befriended and had accepted baptism, against his enemy Lapu-Lapu. Due to the geography of the area, Magellans ships were unable to come close enough to land for their cannon to be employed. Magellan and his men were forced to row a long distance to shore. Upon landing they were attacked by a superior force of Lapu-Lapu's warriors. Magellan, severely wounded, ordered his men to return to the boats. Most of his men escaped but Magellan was killed. The remainder of the voyage was completed with Magellan's navigator, Juan Sebastian Elcano, in command.

The story of the voyage was written by the navigator of Magellan's flagship, Antonio Pigafetta.

Source(s):See Wiki article on Ferdinand Magellan.

A. Pigafetta "Magellan's Voyage Around the World" (1906 translation by A. Clark)

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13y ago

the country that sent ferdinand magellan on his mission was Spain

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15y ago

King Charles 1 of Spain sponsored Ferdinand Magellan's trip because Portugal would not support him.

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11y ago

The King and Queen of Spain sponsored Magellan after King Manuel of Portugal declined/ refused to do so.

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King Charles financed it ,but he later became named emperor Charles the V (5th)

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King and Queen of Spain

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