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Q: Who said that the shortest pencil is better than a long memory?
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If your pencil is 10cm long what is the shortest possible length?

Well, the shortest pencil in the world is 1.75 mm.Maybe you can beat it!

What memory has the shortest duration a. Visual b. Short-term c. Auditory d. Long-term?

Short-term memory has the shortest duration. Additionally, sensory memory has short duration as well.

Who has a better memory men or women?

According to scientific data, women have a better memory than men. Women have better long term memory which they associate with images and visual cues.

How short is the world's shortest pencil?

4 and 1/2 feet by the Canadian Carvers Association (CCC). They carved the pencil from a solid oak tree stump and then drilled a hole down the middle. They then melted graphite and poured it into the hole and let it solidify. The pencil had to be sharpened with a bulldozer.

How do your senses affect memory?

Our senses play a crucial role in memory formation. Different senses stimulate different parts of the brain, helping to create stronger and more vivid memories. Smells, sounds, and visuals can trigger recall of past experiences or events by activating the associated neural pathways. Additionally, sensory-rich experiences are more likely to be stored in long-term memory due to the increased connections formed in the brain.

What an object that is 5 inches long?

can a pencil be 5 feet

What is an object that is exactly 5 inches long?

is it a pencil.

How long is the avrage pencil in digits?

An average pencil is about twice as long as my longest finger.

Which is 1 centimeter long fingernail or pencil?

Which is about 1 centimeter long: a fingernail or a pencil

Arthur's pencil was 14 cm long .How many mm long was his pencil?


How long is the pencil to the nearest inch?

A standard pencil is 19cm (7.5in) long.

Which last longer colored pencil or regular pencil?

It depends on how long the pencil is, how much you write, and if the pencil breaks a lot or not. If it's a long pencil, it'll last a while unless you write a lot or it breaks.