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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his famous poem Paul Revere's ride.

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Q: Who said 'One if by land two if by sea'?
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What was the lantern code used in the Old North Church to say how the British were coming?

One if by land, two if by sea.

In lexington and concord did the british come from land or sea?

They came by sea. One if by land, two if by sea. Two laterns were hung in the tower window, so the British came by sea.

What are 2 symbols from the Paul Revere's ride and what do they mean?

the two symbols were one lantern if they came by land and two if they came by sea.

What does one by land and two if two by sea mean and why it is important to the people in the villages and farms?

In "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the signal referred to lamps. Someone would put up one lamp if the British were approaching to attack on land and two lamps if the British were going to attack from sea. People in the villages and farms could prepare the best attack if they knew where the British were approaching from.

Hang one for land or two for sea and I on the opposite shore will be this courier said. Who is he?

This line is from the 1861 Longfellow poem the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. " listen my children and you shall hear the midnight ride of Paul Revere. On the eighteenth of April in Seventyfive. Hardly a man is now alive who remembers that famous day and year. He said to his friend if the British March by land or sea from town tonight hang a lantern in the belfry arch of the North Church tower as a signal light. One if by land and two if by sea. And I on the opposite shore will be." One reason he states in the first lines of the poem that hardly a man remembers is because the poem was written almost a 100 years AFTER the event. By the way Revere didn't finish the ride because he ran into a British patrol and Prescott did get the job done.

Related questions

One if by land two if by?

one lantern if the british were going on land two if they were going on sea

What was the lantern code used in the Old North Church to say how the British were coming?

One if by land, two if by sea.

In lexington and concord did the british come from land or sea?

They came by sea. One if by land, two if by sea. Two laterns were hung in the tower window, so the British came by sea.

Why did Paul Revere take all of the credit?

He didn't at first,but it did sound like it.He warned the colonists "The Brtish"(or red coats)"are coming,".When he said that he wanted everybody to light their lanterns,'one by land,two by sea"like the redcoats were coming by land or sea.

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One if by land, two if by sea.

What does the saying 'one if by land two if by sea' mean?

It was a signal agreement. If the British army were coming by land, there would be one lantern showing. If the British army were coming by ship (sea), there would be two lanterns showing.

What does one by land two by sea mean?

"No body actually knows different story's been pasted on for years nobody actually knows if the British came by land or by sea different story's been pasted on for many years." Is NOT true. the real answer is.. They would hang two lanterns, light one if by land, two if by sea. Of course there wasn't a "3" because they didn't have airplanes! When it was night and two lanterns were lit and Paul Revere saw it, he jumped on his horse, and declared, "The British are coming!". Two other men joined his escapade to save the country.

What did paul revere use to give the signal?

A lantern One if by land, and two if by sea

What is An area of sea that passes through two pieces of land?

An area of sea that passes through two pieces of land.

Why are frogs said to have two lives?

Frogs live one life in water, and the other on land.

What are 2 symbols from the Paul Revere's ride and what do they mean?

the two symbols were one lantern if they came by land and two if they came by sea.

Why does the Irish Sea separate England from Ireland?

The Irish Sea does, but at the northern end of it there is the North Channel and at the southern end is St. George's Channel, both of which are also between Ireland and Britain.The Irish Sea lies between the two.