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Silvio Berlusconi is the current Italian political leader.

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Q: Who rules Italy today?
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What is 'Italy rules' when translated from English to Italian?

"Italy rules!" in English is Italia domina! or Normativa italiana! in Italian.

Who rules Italy?

Benito Mussolini

What is Italy's comparison to the us dollar?

Today Italy is on the Euro, but once it was the Lira. So it would be Euro today.

Can you Compare and contrast maps of Roman Empire and Italy today?

The Roman Empire is bigger than Italy today

What is professional soccer rules in Italy?

Italy follows the FIFA Laws of the Game in their professional soccer sports.

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What is the capital city of Western Rome?

The capital of the Roman Empire was Rome until 284. In that year the emperor Diocletian created a co-emperorship with himself in charge of the eastern part of the empire and Maximian in charge of the western part. He also designated also an imperial capital for the eastern part of the empire, which was Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey), and an imperial capital for the western part, which was Milan (in northern Italy). The emperor Constantine I moved the capital of the eastern part to the nearby Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople (present day Istanbul). The capital of the western part was moved to Ravenna (also in northern Italy) in 402.

What were the rules from chess during the Elizabethan era?

The rules for Chess in the Elizabethan Era are the same as the rules of today.

What is the population of Italy today?

The population of Italy is 59,337,888. That estimate was made on May 2007.

What rules did the Aztecs use to play games?

The Aztecs had rules like we have today .

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General Choummaly Sayasone currently rules Laos.