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Q: Who most greatfuly influenced martin Luther king jrs thinking about how political action could be employed to combat injustice?
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Which city was at its height of political and economic power when it employed the talents of the sculptor Nicola pisano?


What factors influence the interpretations that historians make?

Historians' interpretations are influenced by various factors such as their personal biases, cultural background, the available historical evidence, and the historical context in which they are working. Additionally, contemporary perspectives, political climate, and the specific research methods employed can also impact historians' interpretations.

What city was at thee highest of political and economic power when it employed the talents of the sculptor nicola pisano?


How did rise of hilter began?

With him being employed by the government of Germany to scope out and investigate suspicious political parties. Ironically, he ended up heading the worst political party which was also his last assignment.

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Martha Maccallum is another of the gang of blondes who are employed as anchors at Fox News. She has a Political Science degree from St. Lawrence University.

Why did Jonathan Swift hate human race?

Jonathan Swift was a satirist who used his writing to critique aspects of society that he found troubling, such as political corruption, social injustice, and a lack of empathy for others. His writings often employed biting satire and humor to highlight these issues, including his famous work "A Modest Proposal." While Swift may have seemed misanthropic in his writings, his critiques were aimed at challenging society to improve rather than a genuine hatred for humanity.

What is the correct sentence employed at or employed with?

The correct sentence would be "employed at." For example, "She is employed at the bank."

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The prefix of "employed" is "em-".

What is the correct sentence Employed at or employed by?

if you are talking about your boss specifically or if you are working with a sole employer you say employed by. If you are talking about a business as a whole you say employed at.

On what basis are carpenters employed?

25 percent are self-employed, about 33 percent are employed by general building contractors, 20 percent are employed by specialty trade contractors, and 12 percent are employed in heavy construction.

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Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi was a Shiite Muslim, but his political philosophy was strongly secularist in the same vision employed by Atatürk in Turkey.

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Critical thinking can be used to analyze complex political issues objectively, while creative thinking can generate innovative solutions to overcome political divisions. By encouraging individuals to question assumptions, consider different perspectives, and think outside the box, critical and creative thinking can foster deeper understanding and collaboration among diverse political stakeholders. This can lead to the development of inclusive policies and initiatives that promote greater political cohesion and unity.