monasteries and roman catholic church
Who invaded Europe during the middle ages
The Dark Ages occurred after the fall of Rome in 476 until around 800 A.D. During this time, a lot of academic information was lost and no new inventions or learning took place during this time in Europe.
monasteries and roman catholic church
the dark agedark agesThe dark agesThe Dark Ages
the dark ages
Who invaded Europe during the middle ages
The Dark Ages occurred after the fall of Rome in 476 until around 800 A.D. During this time, a lot of academic information was lost and no new inventions or learning took place during this time in Europe.
dark ages
The Dark Ages occurred after the fall of Rome in 476 until around 800 A.D. During this time, a lot of academic information was lost and no new inventions or learning took place during this time in Europe.
Europe during the Middle Ages.
The strongest civilizing force in Europe during the early Middle Ages was the Church.
They kept learning and history alive during the dark ages and saved many books and ancient scripts by patiently hand copying them to make more books.
During the Dark Ages.