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I know Suresh and Joyti Guptara could be up there. They published at 11. either that or eragon by christopher paolini unfortunately Janna Gohar published Sharktanic, her first book at the age of 10,followed by World World Three,Cats And Dog, will be in the bookshops May 29,2009 ------------------------------- The Answer up there is horribly, horribly, horrible. There is also Nancy Yi Fan, who published at age 11, and by Harper Collins, which is incredible considering such large company would take it- most authors, including J.K. Rowling herself were only accepted by small companies. It also reached #7 in the New York Times Bestselling list in 2007

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10y ago

Bethany Huang published a 120-page adventure fiction - "The Eiffel Tower's Daughter" at 10 years old in 2010.

The youngest author is Mana Singh. She was 12 years old when she published a 144page historical fiction novel called "Where the Road Ends:What would you do for freedom?" Her publishing company was authorhouse.. Visit her facebook fanpage: Where the Road Ends

Meleik Delaney of Washington, D.C. published at book at the age of 4 The Fighters of Justices Saves their Mother and Learns to Never Give Up. He created and author the Fighters of Justice Book Series at the age of 3.

Justus Stewart was published for Kyle Oaks fantasy book at age 9. Turned into a trilogy by age 10.

Under the pseudonym Rainye Day, at age 14 she is one of America's youngest authors. Her 135-page refreshing fantasy-fiction book, Snowspirit- The Virgo Key, is for children and adults alike and was published by Future Cultures Inc (www . FutureCultures . com). in 2015. To see more of her writing, please go to www . RainyeDay . com

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The youngest author is Caroline McSherry who wrote the book "The Opposite Zebra" At the age of 7.

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Caleb Drummond

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