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Q: Who is the model in the Killian's Irish Red poster copyrighted 1997?
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Why was the Famous Recruiting Poster with Lord Kitchener so important?

Because Lord Kitchener became a role model for the British people. This meant that they wanted to be recruited or sign up for the army because he was their role model and he was telling them to.

How do you make a model of the Lighthouse Of Alexandria?

You can buy styrofoam and shave it into the shape of a lighthouse then paint it...or you can bye cardboard cut the shape of a lighthouse which is easier to paint then put detail with sharpie. much easier to carry if you build on a poster board

What did oliver cromwell do in 1649 in drogheda?

he killed innocent women and children which caused to Irish to hate him.

What did Cromwell do to the Catholic rebels in Drogheda?

He killed them all and tried to completely get rid of them as he was a sworn enemy of catholics. this was shown when he took the new model army to irland and killed thousands of catholics as irland was catholic.

Why celebrate Saint Patrick's Day?

we celebrate saint patricks day because he brought the cathlic religon to Ireland and explaned the religon through using a clover/shamrock we also celebrate it because he is said to have gotten all the snakes out of Ireland aswell... When he was about 16 he was captured from Britain by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he lived for six years before escaping and returning to his family. After entering the Church, he returned to Ireland as an ordained bishop in the north and west of the island, but little is known about the places where he worked. By the eighth century he had come to be revered as the patron saint of Ireland. The Irish monastery system evolved after the time of Patrick and the Irish church did not develop the diocesan model that Patrick and the other early missionaries had tried to establish.Patrick with teaching the Irish about the concept of the trinity by showing people the shamrock, a 3-leaved clover, using it to highlight the Christian belief of 'three divine persons in the one God'

Related questions

Who was the girl in the 1987 killians poster?

Ah, the 1987 Killian's poster. That was a painting of a beautiful young lady named Nanette Hansen. She was a model who posed for the poster, capturing the essence of joy and freedom in a field of wildflowers. Her smile and carefree spirit brought happiness to many who admired the artwork.

Who is the model in the Teach you a lesson poster?

Selena Gomez

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Sexyiest irish model.

Who is a famous Irish model?

ST. Patrick

How do get monstro cities next top model poster?

i think you have to be it..... :( i want one 2!

Who was the model for the True Blood promotional poster?

it kinda looks like jessica's mouth to me

When you put a model on a poster how do you do it?

do you mean like a picture of something that is being used as a model, like a diagram of a battery, or a bacteria, or muscle tissue, etc.? In that case, if the model is the focus of the poster, then make it fairly large, but leave enough room that you can have lines leading to parts of the model, so you can label it and then have some text explaing that part of the model. If not, if the model is just a small part of whole, then make sure that it doesnt take up too much room. A good poster shouldmbe about half, or at least a third, text and the rest can be illustrations.

What boy from the wanted used to be a model with his brother?

Siva, the Irish. ;]

What model is Cameron in the terminator Sarah connor Chronicles?

A promotional poster lists Cameron as a "Class TOK715."

What science fair project can you do on dolphins for the science fair?

A poster about the basics of dolphins, A model of them on their biological system.

How do you make a jellyfish model?

Get a big poster and put big words and neat art-craft on it

What is a written explanation for a science fair project?

An written explanation is pretty much a summary of the poster, report, model, and presentation.