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In the United States it would be the Mayor of the city or town. In some places this elected official is referred to as the City Supervisor.

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Q: Who is the highest ranking government official in most towns or cities?
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What was the title of a high ranking official in the Ottoman empire?

Shortly, Padishah or Sultan, but for a long example Sultan Mehmed III was called;Sultan Hân Padishah,Hünkar,Hakan ül-Berreyn vel-Bahreyn;Sovereign of the House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans,Khan of Khans,Commander (Caliph) of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the UniverseCustodian of the Holy Cities of Mecca, Medina and JerusalemCaesar of the Roman EmpireEmperor of The Three Cities of Constantinople, Adrianople and Bursa, and of the Cities of Damascus and Cairo, of all Azerbaijan, of the Magris, of Barka, ofKairouan, of Aleppo, of Arabic Iraq and of Acem, of Basra, of Al-Hasa, of Dilen, of Ar Raqqah, of Mosul, of Parthia, of Diyarbakır, of Cilicia, of the Vilayets ofErzurum, of Sivas, of Adana, of Karaman, Van, of Barbary, of Abyssinia, of Tunisia, of Tripoli, of Damascus, of Cyprus, of Rhodes, of Candia, of the Vilayet of theMorea, of the Marmara Sea, the Black Sea and also its coasts, of Anatolia, of Rumelia, Baghdad, Greece, Turkistan, Tartary, Circassia, of the two regions of Kabarda, of Georgia, of the plain of Kypchak, of the whole country of the Tartars, of Kefe and of all the neighboring countries, of Bosnia and its dependencies, of the City and Fort of Belgrade, of the Vilayet of Serbia, with all the castles, forts and cities, of all Albania, of all Eflak and Bogdania, as well as all the dependencies and borders, and many other countries and cities.

What are the three types of local government?

counties,cities and towns

Where did the highest concentration of cities in Mesopotamia emerge?

areas where the Tigris and the Euphrates flowed closely together and intersected

Why was the development of government necessary in early cities such as Ur?

To maintain soaring populations.

Why did kings want the support of large cities?

The obvious answer is that large cities have more people, more money and more actual and potential power. Wealthy bankers, business leaders, high-ranking nobles, clergy and newspaper writers all tend to live in large cities and exercise economic and political influence over the whole country.

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What are characteristics of ancient and modern cities?

civillians, an organized government, an obvious or hidden ranking system (official or mindset), an agricultural system, a source of food and water.

What five cities had the highest ranking bishops in 476 ad?

i hate this question

Which continent has no official capital cities?

Antarctica has no official capital city as it is a continent dedicated to scientific research and does not have a permanent population or government.

What is the ranking among the all the cities in the US?

its ranking among all is because its most populated

What is New York City's ranking among all cities in the US?

its ranking among all is because its most populated

What is the difference between capital cities and cities?

Capital cities are the political center of a country, where the government institutions are located and important decisions are made. Cities, on the other hand, refer to urban areas with a large population, infrastructure, and economic activities. While a capital city can be a city, not all cities are capital cities.

Which continent has the world's largest cities?

Asia has the largest cities in the world by population, with cities like Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai, and Beijing ranking among the most populous cities globally.

What are three major cities in Nebraska?

The major cities in Nebraska are: Omaha Lincoln Bellevue Grand island These cities are in order by greatest ranking. These are the only major cities that I remember. I do know that these cities are the four greatest though.

What are the highest paying cities for dentists?

In the United States, the highest paying cities for dentist are probably New York City and Los Angeles.

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What society has cities government and specialized workers

What is the Ranking of us cities crime statistics?

See: and search the stie for crime statistics

What is he highest title in lord of ultima?

The highest title is Emperor. This title allows you to have 80 cities. Further research will increase this to a maximum of 1,000 cities.