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In theory and usual practice, the Governor of the State. He or She ( some states have had female governors- like New Jersey under Whitman) can call out the National Guard to control civil emergencies such as riots, etc. However, as the President of the United States has CINCUS ( Commander In Chief- US) he can and does have the authority to federalize NG units which are technically a part of the US Army and dispatch them on various missions- one peacetime example was the Federalization of guardsmen to contain racial problems in Little Rock, Arkansas during the Desegregation battles. This is the best known action of the type- unlike deployment of Guard units to foreign wars- for example stop-loss assignments in Iraq.

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Q: Who is the commander in chief of a state's National Guard?
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Who is chief of National security guard?

The Commander in Chief of the National Guard is the President of the United States.

What person is commander in chief of the Texas National Guard?

When National Guard troops are called to federal service, the President serves as Commander-in-Chief, so that's who it is.

When was Commander-in-Chief's Guard created?

Commander-in-Chief's Guard was created in 1776.

When did Commander-in-Chief's Guard end?

Commander-in-Chief's Guard ended in 1783.

Who sends in the National Guard to help flood victims in Florida?

the commander in chief.

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The Commander-in-Chief of all military branches - including the Coast Guard - is the President of the United States.

Who is the commander-in-chief of the Missouri National Guard?

Ultimately, their Commander-In-Chief will be the same as for the rest of the US Armed Forces - the President of the United States, who currently happens to be Barack Obama. In their role as a state militia, their Commander-In-Chief would be the governor of Missouri, who currently is Jay Nixon.

What is Commander-in-Chief's Guard's motto?

Commander-in-Chief's Guard's motto is 'Conquer or Die!'.

Who is the commander-in-chief of the state of Illinois?

The governor of Illinois can call out the National Guard for emergencies.

Who is the commander-in-chief of the Alabama National Guard?

The Governor of Alabama, which is currently Robert R. Riley.

Is the president commander in chief of the militia at all times?

The president is commander-in-chief of all federal military forces. He commands the national guard made of state militias whenever they are called up to federal duty but not otherwise. Some states have what amount to military units that are not part of the federal national guard and are not subject to call up into the US army.

Who is the commander in chief of Illinois National Guard in peacetime?

There are several. To take a specific state, the governor is the Commander in Chief, but so is the president when they fall under federal duty (when going overseas). So each state has 2 commander in chiefs.