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salma khan is the mother of both Arbaz khan and sohail khan?

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

Salma Khan is the mother. She is the mother of all 3 brothers. Helen is their step mother.

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Who is elder salmaan Khan or arbaaz Khan?

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How many brother salman Khan have?

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Is salman Khan elder than sohil Khan?

Yes salman khan is elder than sohail khan. Salman khan is younger than arbaaz khan. Arbaaz khan is eldest of all the brothers.

Who is the big brother salman Khan or arbaaz Khan?

salman khan is the bollywood actor. arbaaz khan is actor and producer both. they are 3 brothers in which salman is the elder and arbaz in younger and sohail is youngest.

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Arbaaz khan is the biggest amongst all the 3 brothers . Salman is younger than Arbaaz khan. Salman khan is elder than sohail khan.

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Salman khan is elder brother of Arbaaz khan

Is salman sohail and arbaaz khan are real brothers?

Yes. Salman Khan and arbaaz khan are real brothers. They are siblings and also have done a movie together. They both are very good actors as well and believe in hard work.

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Where did salman Khan had his schooling?

From VII Grade to X from 'The Scindia School, Gwalior,'. He opted out while his real Brothers Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan graduated as XII pass students!

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The cast of Amar Akbar Anthony - 2007 includes: Sohail Khan as Akbar Arbaaz Khan as Amar Salman Khan as Anthony

Who is younger salman or arbaz Khan?

arbaaz khan is younger cause he issalmans younger brother

Are arbaaz khan and sohail khan twins?

Saba Khan and Soha Ali Khan are sisters. They are not twins but sisters only. Saba is 2 years elder than Soha Ali Khan.