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Former chief minister of Tamilnadu Mr. Kama Raj has called as black gandhi

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Q: Who is known as second Gandhi of India?
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Who was the second female Prime Minister of India?

Indira gandhi

Which leader of India is known for regaining the independence of India from the British Empire?

"Mahatma Gandhi"

What is the life of Mohandas gandhi?

Mathatma Gandhi, also known as Mohandas Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 in India. He was assassinated January 30, 1948. Gandhi was known as the Father of India because of the peace movements he lead in his country. Complete stories and biographies about Gandhi can be found in books about his life.

Who was the second woman cabinet minister of independent India?

indira gandhi

How was Gandhi known as?

Gandhi was, and still is, known in India as "Father of the Nation". He was also known as the "Mahatma" (meaning 'Great Soul') and, endearingly, "Bapu" (meaning 'Father').

Where is the second largest airport in India?

Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi)

Indira Gandhi spoke how many languages?

indira gandhi known 26 languages of India and 13 languages of world

Who served a second term as prime minister of India from 1980 to 1984?

Indira Gandhi

What would be a thesis statement for the research on Mohandas Gandhi?

Mohandas Gandhi, who is known as a leader in India, was born on october 2, 1869.

Who is MK Gandhi?

You mean Gandhi?If yes, then MK Ghandhi known as Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma meaning Great Soul was a freedom fighter and atlast achieved his life-set goal of making India an independent nation in 1947. He was therefore known as the Father of the Nation.Hope that helped :)mk gandhi is a great poltician who brought freedom for our country India

What did they call Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was commonly referred to as Mahatma, which means "Great Soul" in Sanskrit. This title was given to him in recognition of his role as a leader in India's nonviolent independence movement. Gandhi is also known by the honorific "Bapu," which means "Father" in Hindi, a term of endearment and respect from the people of India.

What skin color was mohadas gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi was a brown skinned man and was Indian. He is most known as being the leader of the India independence.