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mia and gedre polo.

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Laurianne Howe

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Marco Polo is famous for his travels through Ancient China, and Asia. Marco Polo was also very brave to go on a dangerous adventure like he did. It was also considered very risky since they thought that you could fall of the earth (they used to think it was flat). He traveled through most of Asia.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Marco Polo was a traveler from Venice who spent 20 years living and traveling in Asia. He was influential because he wrote about his journey to Asia which made many Europeans curious about Asia.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Marco Polo was an explorer and merchant from Italy.

Marco Polo began his long experience with Cathay (China) through the adventures of his father, Niccolo, and his uncle, Maffeo Polo, partners in a trading operation at a time when Venice was the world leader in foreign commerce. Marco's trip to China was preceded by the prolonged odyssey of his father and uncle all the way to Peking and back. In China they were well received by the recently established Mongol prince Kublai Khan in 1266. The Polo's impressed Kublai Khan with their intelligence and their familiarity with the world. For these reasons he retained their services for several years. In 1269 he sent them to Rome as his envoys with a request that the Pope send 100 Europeans to share their knowledge with him.

The Polo's mission received little attention in Rome, but in 1271 the Polo brothers, in search of further profit and adventure, set out to return to China. It was this second trip that provided the occasion for the 17-year-old Marco Polo to make his debut as a world traveler. The return to China, over land and sea, desert and mountain, took slightly more than 3 years.

Despite the failure of their mission to Rome, the Khan welcomed the Venetians back and again took them into his service. He became increasingly impressed with the youngest Polo, who, like his father and uncle, demonstrated not only his ability in travel but also his facility for the Mongol language and for using his remarkable powers of observation.

Under the benevolence of Kublai Khan, the Polo's initiated widespread trading ventures within his domain. While on these business trips around the empire Marco Polo first demonstrated his perceptiveness and his ability to relate what he saw in clear, understandable terms. His reports, which formed the basis of his famous account of his travels, contained information on local customs, business conditions, and events. It was in these reports that he displayed his talent as a detached and accurate observer. Kublai Khan read and used these reports to keep abreast of developments within his empire.

All three of the European visitors were maintained as envoys and advisers. Marco was used on several extended missions that sent him traveling over much of China and even beyond. By his own account he skirted the edge of Tibet and northern Burma. This business-diplomatic relationship between the Polo's and Kublai Khan lasted more than 16 years, during which Marco served as the Khan's personal representative in the city of Yangchow.

Although the Polo's enjoyed the profits of their enterprise, they began to long to return to Venice to enjoy them. They were detained primarily because of the unwillingness of Kublai Khan to release them from his service. Their chance to return to Europe came in 1292, when they were sent on a diplomatic mission, first to Persia and then to Rome. The assignment represented the Khan's way of releasing them from their obligations to him. In Persia they were to arrange a dynastic marriage between one of the Khan's regional rulers and a Mongol princess. They were detained in Persia for nearly a year when the prince died and a new marriage had to be arranged. From the Persian court, the Venetians continued their journey home, arriving in 1295, after an absence of nearly a quarter century.

He reached the maximum point of his expedition at the Royal Court at Khanbalik, near the Yellow Sea. He stayed there seventeen years before returning home.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Marco Polo was an explorer who serviced Kublai Khan (sp?) and later became governer of yangshou. Later on I believe he was captured and dictated his travels to a fellow captor who wrote it all down.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Marco Polo was an Italian Explorer. He explored Asia and China. His first exploration was when he was 17. He went to China.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Marco Polo was an explorer he was from Venice

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he was a Venetian merchant believed to have journeyed across Asia at the height of the Mongol Empire.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A guy.

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Anna Fielden

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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