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The discovery of penicillin is usually attributed to a Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928, though others had earlier noted the antibacterial effects of Penicillium. The development of penicillin for use as a medicine is attributed to the Australian Nobel Laureate Howard Walter Florey.

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Q: Who invented penicilan?
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The discovery of penicilan was found on mold, which you could say mold was the first known antibotic

Who was the Australian scientist who was part of the team that developed the drug penicilan?

The scientist who was part of a team that developed the drug penicillin was "Howard Florey".

What areSide affects of penicilan?

The most common adverse reactions to Penicillin are: rash, drug fever, serum sickness, anaphylaxis, neuropathy, and nephropathy.

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Keflex and Penicilan are used pretty often, however, you should let a dentist prescribe it for you. Infections are not something to mess around with because they can get in your bloodstream and make you very ill. It is even possible for the infection to reach your heart and kill you. Better safe than sorry. Good Luck.

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