Alexander Fleming
Penicillin antibiotics are historically significant because they were the first drugs that were effective against many serious bacterial infections, and subsequent diseases associated. In addition this antibiotic can beat syphilis and staph infections.
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The bandaid was invented in 1921 by Earle Dickson.
14 billion years invented the genatles then, in turn, they invented you.
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penecillin mould was dicovered to have anti bacterial properties by the Australian Howard Florey and Ernest Chain. Alexander Fleming took the credit.
That depends on what you are treating.
I can't go into great detail but i know that when it was invented by Alexander Flemming in 1928 it was entirely by chance. He left his lab window open and found a mould had grown in the petri dish by the window which turned out to be naturally occurring penecillin. So i presume it's called a happy accident because something good came out of a mistake made by whoever was responsible for not closing the windows!
My doc said it was safe. I used it when i was 7 months
Because he could not make it keep
Sir Alexander Flemming discopvered Penecillin. He was a scientist. It was through his discovery that he made a contribution to WWII and the Allies' victory because of how penecillin's medical benefits. -Roundrupert
no, hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid pain killer and penecillin is an antibiotic.
All kinds, but you're probably thinking of penecillin, which is derived from the penecillium fungi