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Lots of people. Mechanised mass production of products of uniform size & quality began in Britain in the late 18th century.

The production-line system was first introduced at the Portsmouth naval dockyard block mills in England in 1803.

The 20th-century assembly line was developed by Henry Ford in 1913 for his Model T automobile: more than 15 million were produced over 1908-27.

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Q: Who invented mass production?
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Who perfected the mass production process?

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Mass production has always been around in one way or another. In ancient times, the Chinese mass produced crossbows. Mass production as we think of it today, started at the Ford company in 1908.

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1935; mass production began in 1936.

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It's generally accepted to be Henry Ford, with the mass-production of the Model T.

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Although mass production and its concepts predate the Industrial Revolution, mass production of goods did not become commonplace until the late 19th century. Although he did not invent mass production by any means, Henry Ford is commonly given credit for revolutionizing the way it is used in industry.

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How did mass production affect industrialization?

Mass production is a by-product of industrialization. Inventions that were part of the Industrial Revolution resulted in mass production.