It was invented in England by cider makers in Gloucestershire Devon. French will tell you a French Monk Don perignon created champagne, but the English created it 20yrs before hand,by taking a bottle of french wine and adding suger ( creating the fermentation process) also English bottles were alot thicker and stronger so they didnt explode during the process. The French didnt have thick strong bottles that would of supported it.
17th :)
The origin of champagne took place in the Champagne region of France.
1662-Virginian law makes slavery hereditary. 1691- Virginia prohibits interracial sexual contact. 1705- Virginia slave code established
First Battle of Champagne happened on 1914-12-20.
Dom Perignon
The first bus was invented in 1662.
The bus was invented Paris March 18 1662
il a "inventé le champagne"
In 1662 Pascal invents the first public bus. It was horse drawn.
Leslie Caron and Louis Jordan in "GIGI" According to that website it started on March 18, 1662.
Invented by Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), it was called a Pascaline, a mechanical calculator that used connected gears to perform additions.
May 1, 1662 was on a Monday.