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Q: Who hurt his chances for the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles because he was unwilling to compromise with opponents?
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Ultimately how did the president Woodrow Wilson contribute to the failure of the treaty to pass in the senate?

Woodrow Wilson was unwilling to compromise with Henry Cabot Lodge, a powerful senator. Without LodgeÕs support, Wilson was unable to obtain a two-thirds majority to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations.

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William Wilberforce Abraham Lincoln Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela

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It is important to have open communication with your partner and try to understand their reasons for refusing to follow your family customs. Compromise and finding a middle ground that both of you are comfortable with may be necessary. If your partner is unwilling to compromise and respect your values, you may need to reassess the relationship.

What does loggerheads mean?

"Loggerheads" is a term that means being in a state of dispute or conflict where both parties are stubborn and unwilling to compromise. It can also refer to a type of large sea turtle.

Sentence with the word unwilling?

He was unwilling to do as he was instructed.

How can you use unwilling in a sentence?

She was unwilling to attend the meeting due to her dislike of public speaking.

Why did Franklin think it was hard for people to compromise analysis?

Franklin believed that it was difficult for people to compromise because it required setting aside ego and pride to find common ground. He thought that individuals often clung to their own opinions and were unwilling to see the other person's perspective, making compromise challenging. Franklin stressed the importance of open-mindedness and empathy in order to reach mutually beneficial agreements.

What is the prefixes for willing?

To make it negative, you mean? That would be "un" - unwilling.

When was Unwilling Emigrants created?

Unwilling Emigrants was created in 1959.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages from Political Groups?

The advantage of a political group is that it aligns people who share views on policy, and gives them strength in numbers. A disadvantage is when people become so entrenched in their views they are unwilling to compromise for the greater good.

How has the British responded to the Americans' petition for compromise?

The British responded to the Americans' petition for compromise by rejecting it. They believed the American colonies had crossed a line by declaring independence and were unwilling to entertain any compromise that would allow them to maintain any form of self-governance. This further solidified the divide between the two sides and escalated the conflict.

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Lazy is a person or animal unwilling to work, or unwilling to use energy. Lazy is a person unwilling to clean their own house.