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Henry Kissinger

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Omer Bechtelar

Lvl 10
2y ago

Henry Kissinger did it

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Who helped bring and end to the Yom Kippur war using shuttle diplomacy?

Henry Kissinger

What was true about the career of Richard Nixon?

He took both liberal and conservative positions on issues. - Apex

Which three festivals were loyally celebrated during the postexilic period that helped bring stability to Jewish society?

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What is the porpoise of the space shuttle?

To bring any astronaut into space! I hope you like my answer!

What is the importance of the Space Shuttle?

They are important because it is the one who bring us to outer space.

Which best explains the major weakness of missionary diplomacy?

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What should you bring on a space shuttle with you?

Um that depends on if you mean like things to have to make you happy or essential things. I think I would bring a lot of chocolate!

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Helped bring the population up! Helped bring the population up and did all that was in her power to stop chimp abuse.

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He helped bring about the end of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe. He helped bring about the end of the Cold War.

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The first Bring it on movie is just simply called Bring It On!! Hope I helped! :)

How does the space shuttle move in space?

The space shuttle moves in space by firing its onboard engines to generate thrust, which propels it forward. It follows a specific trajectory and uses thrusters for maneuvers and adjustments in its orbital path. Momentum and gravitational forces also play a role in the shuttle's movement in space.