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Both were equal to each other.

They both had the same level of technology. They both made progress against the Nazis. And they both committed atrocious and unforgivable war crimes against Germans, including civilians who had nothing to do with the war.

It's argued that Russia had the best ground troops, Britain had the best air force and the US had the best navy. All three combined together is what led to Germany's downfall.

Bear in mind that Russia (the Soviets) were the ones who captured Hitler's command bunker and confirmed his death. But it was the Allies (UK, Canada, Australia, US, etc) which Germany surrendered to. So both Allies and Soviets are equally responsible for ending the war with Germany.

Historians also argue that Germany was the better military overall of those involved in the Second World War.

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Q: Who had a better army America or Russia in WW2?
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Do the Nazis have an army?

They did, in ww2.

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Well, as you may know Russia to this day as a MASSIVE population and in the time of WW2 when Germany was at Russia doorstep Moscow! and Leningrad The red army was ready to recruit anyone they had that mean any willing body person who can walk in a straight line! Many records cant keep track of the USSR soilders number from ww2 For the loses all i know was it was about 18 million Red Army soildiers and 6 million in civilian loses

Who led russia during WW2?

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How was the leader of Russia in world war 2?

Stalin led Russia in WW2.

What was the population of russia in ww2?

27,000,000 i think