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During World War 2 and before it, certain groups and types of people hated or disliked Hitler. They are:

  • Non Aryan Germans
  • Jews
  • Gypsies
  • Homosexuals
  • Mentally and Physically disabled people
  • Cathelics
  • Slavs
  • Communists
  • Other Political Parties
  • Anti-Nazi Groups like White Rose Group
  • Social "misfits"
  • Soviets
  • Freemasons

Most of these people were specially targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

The reason why Adolf Hitler hated these kinds of people can be debated but it's commonly agreed that the reason why Hitler started to hate these groups was how he was raised in Austria and noticed that mainy Jews in Austrian-Hungarian Empire and in Germany were quite wealthy whiles others were suffering in Poverty. This then increased after World War I aka the Great War due to Hyperinflation, Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles. Also, as Hitler rise to power in late 1920's and early 30's, certain groups like Anti-Nazi Groups, Communists and Other Political Groups started to dislike Hitler due to his "radical" and "insane" ideas.

Another words, the reason why Hitler hated these groups of people was because either:

  • They seem to be easily targets
  • Opposed Hitler and the Nazi Party
  • He thought that they made Germany "Inferior" and disgraced the "Fatherland"
  • Didn't fit with the Nazi Ideology "Aryan Race"
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