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he killed around about 300 to 500

and one of them was his teacher

actually al Capone was one of the most famous gangster in the 1930's he stayed in jail for 11 years and he died from heart failure and i don't think he would kill his teacher out of a lot of people i mean think about it

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9y ago
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8y ago

Al Capone died at home, in his own bed. He died from of a heart attack after suffering a stroke. Capone had been ill for a long time, with neurosyphilis and his mental and physical health had been in decline for a years before his stroke.

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15y ago

Al Capone personally murdered John Scalise and Albert Anselmi using a Baseball bat. He is also suspected early on in his career of shooting to death Big Jim Collosimo, paving the way for himself and Johhnny Torrio to take over the Chicago rackets. He was arrested in '26 for killing three ppl, but the charges were dropped for lack of evidence. God knows how many people he killed with his own hands, but there's enough circumstantial evidence to show that it was at least 10 to 20.

As for ordering murders, the estimate is between 500 and 1,000.

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13y ago

He had Albert Anselmi and John Scalise beaten severely and then shot dead because he discovered their plot to assassinate him and take over the Chicago Outfit. On May 7, 1929, both men were found dead on a deserted road in Hammond, Indiana, beaten all over their bodies and shot.

Capone has never been proven to have been directly involved, but it believed by most scholars that he ordered the hits, and personally helped carry them out, beating both men with a baseball bat in a fit of rage. Whether it happened at a lavish banquet is still unknown.

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11y ago

Al Capone was never convicted of killing anyone. He is alleged to have ordered the Valentine's Day Massacre, where 7 rival gangsters were gunned down, as well as being implicated in 2 or 3 other Chicago "Hits".

It is said that Capone was planning this for a very long time.

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14y ago

yes he did, but he worked his way up to a leader so he didnt have to kill anyone but if he wanted to he would and he could..

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