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They displaced the Scythians and conquered Sogdiana and Khorasan before 425. They crossed (425) the Syr Darya (Jaxartes) River and invaded Persia. Held off at first by Bahram Gur, they later (483-85) succeeded in making Persia tributary. After a series of wars (503-13) they were driven out of Persia, permanently lost the offensive, and were finally (557) defeated by Khosru I. The White Huns also invaded India and succeeded in extending their domain to include the Ganges valley. They temporarily overthrew the Gupta empire but were eventually driven out of India in 528 by a Hindu coalition. Although in Persia they had little effect, in India the White Huns influenced society by altering the Caste System and disrupting the hierarchy of the ruling families.

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16y ago
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12y ago

The Huns may have simulated the great migration,a contributing factor in the collapse of the western Roman Empire. They formed a unified empire under Attila the Hun, who died in 453; their empire soon broke up the next year. So no one Conquered the Huns

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9y ago

The Goths, the historical Goths I mean, were divided into two groups: the eastern Goths or Ostrogoths, and the western Goths, or Visigoths. The Ostrogoths defeated the Romans but were defeated by the Huns. They then re-established themselves and were defeated by the Byzantines under Justinian. They then merged into other local groups, becoming one of the ancestral groups of modern North Italians. The Visigoths established a kingdom in Spain but were conquered by Arabs of the Umayyad Caliphate. The Visigoths are the ancestors of modern Spaniards, although they became completely Romanized after establishing their Iberian kingdom.

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14y ago

The Huns didn't conquer rome, the Visgoths did.. But the leader of the Huns was Atilla

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12y ago

The Huns conquered lots of place, so yes, they did and have conquered.

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