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Under pagan Roman Emperor Aurelian, in A.D. 272, the greater part of the Brucheion was destroyed, and it is most probable that the library perished at this time, though Caesar had probably burnt some books for fuel being transferred to Rome earlier.

The small library in the Serapeum is supposed to have perished when the temple of Serapis was destroyed by Bishop Theophilus, but there is no definite statement to that effect.

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In 389 AD the Christian emperor of Byzanz Theodosius ordered the bishop of Alexandria, Theophilos, to destroy all pagan monuments. The Christian mob destroyed the scientific work of centuries. As if this was not enough, in 642 the Moslem Caliph Omar ordered that all remaining books should be destroyed keeping only the Koran. The books of Alexandria that survived the Christian attack were used to heat the public baths.

Basically, religious fanatics did not like how science told them the truth about reality and they freaked and set humanity back hundreds of years. This is a perfect example of how science and religion does not mix.

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