People with surname of mallavarapu is basically related to Hindu their subcaste is Brahmin. some of the people also with these subcaste are Christians.
In the US, there are less than 200 people with the surname of "Sambrook".
Yes there are plenty of people with the surname "TERPSTRA" not only in FRIESLAND but in the all of Holland
People believe thet the surname Burgess came from the Normans
The surname Xie is a very popular Chinese surname, with around 2 million people with this name. Xie An was the prime minister of the Jin dynasty in 320-385.
Singhania surname is for the people whose ancestral place is Singhana in the state of Rajasthan, India
Divall is a surname and people have it as the surname.
People with "jadhav" surname are 96K. But recently some reserved class have started using this surname
Like them or not, your surname links you to your family.
In the US, there are less than 200 people with the surname of "Sambrook".
are badge surname which caste
Cat of Laad Surname people is BANIYA's.
People with surname Hans Belong to schedule castes.
Because more people have that surname than any other surname.
I can't provide an exact number of people with the last name "deader" as it is not a common surname. It is possible that there are only a few or even no individuals with that specific surname.
Generally SC people use the surname bhowmick in hindu religion. Presently others also using.
Yes there are plenty of people with the surname "TERPSTRA" not only in FRIESLAND but in the all of Holland
There are 349 people in the United States as of 2014 who have the surname of Dabu and over 1,500 people have this as a first name. However, there is not data on how many people in the entire world have this surname.