Tutankhamun had two daughters. Both were still born and so he effectively had no descendants.
King tuts general rigion i think is 1321bc
king tuts favorite food was fish from the nile
king tuts mom was Nefertiti.
Pharaohs in those days only had one hobby that was considered fitting and royal, and that was hunting. So you can be sure that this was what he did in his spare time.
ankhesenpaaten (later changed to ankhesenamun)
King tuts general rigion i think is 1321bc
king tuts favorite food was fish from the nile
king tuts mom was Nefertiti.
Pharaohs in those days only had one hobby that was considered fitting and royal, and that was hunting. So you can be sure that this was what he did in his spare time.
ankhesenpaaten (later changed to ankhesenamun)
King Tuts tomb is in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
King Tuts tomb is in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
King tuts job was to be a king
king akhenaten
king tuts mom was Kiya
KING tuts hometown was in thebes
from his dad