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Q: Who administers the federal tax system?
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What department includes the Internal Revenue Service that administers most federal tax laws?


This department includes the Internal Revenue Service that administers most federal tax laws.?

The Department of the Treasury

Who administers the federal court system?

the Department of the Attorney- General in the Government of Australia

Selective Service System?

an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military service

What is the Canada Revenue Agency responsible for?

The Canada Revenue Agency is a federal agency that administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories, international trade legislation, and various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.

What is the committee that administers the FRS?

The Federal Reserve System is administered by a Board of Governors. They are selected by the directors of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Open Market Committee.

Who administers the federal bureaucracy?

It is the Executive Branch that administers the federal bureaucracy. The Executive Branch also executes the laws, and prepares the annual budget.

The United States Federal income tax system is?

what department was created to police U.S income tax system?

How big is redwood national park?

The federal government administers 71,715 acres and California administers 60,268 acres.

Who administers all federal law dealing with campaign finance?

Federal election commission

When your first tax payment was not timely deposited you made a second payment As they were both deposited this past week how do you go about getting a refund?

If this is a federal income tax payment, call 1-800-829-1040. If it is some other kind of tax payment, call the agency that administers the tax.

What federal agency administers the Workers Compensation?

Department of Labor