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Here is an account of Justinian the Great's reign. From this you can decide what was not one of his accomplishments.

The reign of Justinian I (or the Great) is seen as a distinct period of Byzantine history by historians. It was a period of conquest, splendour, great prosperity, important public works, administrative and religious reforms and imperial unity. Byzantine Empire is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part. The western part fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples who took over all of its lands except for Italy. The eastern part was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for another 1,000 years.

Justinian I wanted to 'restore' the Roman Empire by reconquering the lands lost by the western part of the Roman Empire as a result of the Germanic invasions. He succeeded in defeating the Vandals in Africa, retaking this area, the Ostrogoths, retaking Italy, Sicily and Dalmatia (on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea) and the Visigoths in Spain, retaking southern Spain. This was a major achievement and gave him control of the western Mediterranean. The large state revenues the conquests generated (they increased by 20%) helped him with an ambitious programme of church building and public works. He rebuilt the damaged Church of the Holy Apostles and the Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople, which were both badly damaged, and built the church of San Vitale in Ravenna (the centre of Byzantine rule in Italy). He built underground cisterns to secure the water supply for Constantinople, including the massive Basilica Cistern (453 by 212 feet and 30 ft. high). He built a dam is south-western Turkey to prevent floods and the Sangiarius bridge in north-western Turkey to secure a supply route to the east for the army. He built border fortifications from Africa to the East. Justinian restored towns damaged by an earthquake and built a new city, Justiniana Prima, as the new capital of the province of Illyria. He built a massive granary on an island near Constantinople to make the grain traffic form Egypt more efficient. He also established diplomatic relations with Ethiopia to bypass the land Silk Road through Persia because there were wars with Persia and managed to establish a local production of silk.

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Q: Which was not an accomplishment of Justinian during his reign as emperor?
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Who was involved in Justinian becoming emperor?

Justinian I (or the Great) was the maternal nephew of Justin I, the previous emperor. Justin adopted Justinian, making him his heir. Justinian was also his closest confidant and was made associate emperor in the year when Justin died. It is thought that Justinian was a virtual regent long before this because Justin became senile. However, there is no conclusive evidence. Still, at the end of Justin's reign, Justinian was a de facto ruler. when Justin died, Justinian became sole ruler.

What year did Justinian rule Byzantine Empire?

Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.

Tulsi das lived during the reign of?

Tulsidas lived during the reign of Mogul emperor Jallaluddin AKbar

What languagr was used by the byzantine?

The Byzantine Empire was the Eastern Roman Empire after the split first initiated by Emperor Diocletian in the 200s A.D. and finalized by Constantine's reign. The official language was Latin, until 620 where it was changed to Greek after Emperor Justinian's reign.

Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire during the reign of?

Christianity became the official religion of the empire during the reign of emperor Theodosius I.

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Who became emperor of the Easter Roman Empire in 552 CE?

No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.No one new became emperor of the eastern empire in 552. That year was in the reign of Justinian I, who ruled from 527 to 565.

How did justian die?

Emperor Justinian I (born 482; reign 527-65)

When was Justinian's reign?

The Byzantine Emperor Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus ruled between 527 and 565 AD under the name Justinian I or Justinian the Great [Ιουστινιανός].

Who was the power behind the throne during Justinian's reign?

his wife

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Do you agree or disagree with the characterization of Justinian as a new Caesar and why?

Justinian I was East Roman (Byzantine) Emperor from 527 to 565. During his reign, Justinian sought to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the classical Roman Empire. He could characterized as a new Caesar.

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Who was involved in Justinian becoming emperor?

Justinian I (or the Great) was the maternal nephew of Justin I, the previous emperor. Justin adopted Justinian, making him his heir. Justinian was also his closest confidant and was made associate emperor in the year when Justin died. It is thought that Justinian was a virtual regent long before this because Justin became senile. However, there is no conclusive evidence. Still, at the end of Justin's reign, Justinian was a de facto ruler. when Justin died, Justinian became sole ruler.

What year did Justinian rule Byzantine Empire?

Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.Justinian became emperor in 527 and ruled until his death in 565.

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