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the religious power of the ayatollahs

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The religious power of the ayatollahs

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Q: Which was a basis for the internal conflicts in Iran in the 1970s?
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Which if these countries experienced an Islamic revolution in the late 1970s?

IRAN had the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

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Oil and terorism

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Who was the safavid dynasty in constant conflict with?

this dynasty in Iran had conflict from one hand with Ottoman and in other hand with internal struggles..but the original conflict was with Ottoman,

Is Iran's capital a port city?

No. Teheran, Iran's capital, is a landlocked internal city.

What conflicts did Syria have?

syria had an recent conflict with lebanon iraq and saudi arabia iran is so called the ally of iran

What are four significant conflicts that occurred in the middle east?

There are a number of significant overarching conflicts which include the Israeli-Arab conflict (1920s-Ongoing), the Arab Nationalists vs. Monarchies conflicts in Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, and others (in the 1950s-1970s), border clashes between the Saudis and Iraqis/Jordanians and the Moroccans and Algerians (in the 1980s), the Syrian-Lebanese Conflict and the Lebanese Civil War (1970s-2000s), the Kurdish Repression in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, the Islamic Revolution (1979), the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1986), the Persian Gulf Wars 1 & 2 (1990-1, 2003-2011), the Yemeni Civil War (1970s), and the Arab Spring Wars (2010-Ongoing). Note: This list is not exhaustive and some of these conflicts involve multiple battles or wars inside of them.

Who was the muslim ruler of iran in the 1970s?

The Muslim ruler of Iran during the 1970s was the Shah of Iran. He was the ruler from September 16, 1941 until he was overthrown on February 11, 1979. His name was Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. While Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was Muslim personally, he was a secularist as regards politics.

Why wasn't the revolution in Iran successful with Iraq?

The revolution in Iran was not about Iraq, but about internal Iranian problems.

Who does America have conflicts with?

The United States of America currently has conflicts with the countries of Iran and Syria. The U.S. also has a tense relationship with Cuba.

In the 1970s when Iran was ruled by the Shah the Ayatollah Khomeini's major criticism was of the?

non-Islamic influences on the culture and economy

How many Kurdish people are dead because of violence?

Exact numbers are difficult to determine, but thousands of Kurdish people have died due to violence in various conflicts throughout history. This includes armed conflicts with governments, terrorist attacks, and internal conflicts within Kurdish communities. The Kurdish people have faced significant violence and persecution leading to loss of lives in countries like Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran.